It takes a lot of effort, reference and resources to make change happen, and it takes even more effort to sustain changes and lead business transformation.
In an increasingly complex, uncertain, and ambiguous world, the problems become over-complex and interconnected, building strong professionalism or running a successful business is an ardent journey.
Assuming you have done the current state assessment pain points, alignments on different dimensions, etc, against reference points; also completed the gap analysis against “To-Be” state, and armed with desired capabilities, you are good to define a roadmap for realizing long term strategic goals with some tactical, quick wins.
If we no longer reference the past, then we are likely to repeat the mistakes of the past: As the saying’s going: History repeats itself. Some things from the past are circular and keep coming back in. We can live in a split second, or we can extend our presence to include the instance of our previous experience and also the opportunity of our future action. The past is in view allows us to recognize possible conflicts that could approach from where we have been. The issue is that the rear mirror only cannot steer the business vehicle moving forward
We are destined to look forward, and in doing so, we should refer to the historical lessons, see both the past and the future in front of us, bridge the gap between "where we are" to "where we want to be"; resolve the tensions between future possibilities and past experience. But if the mistakes in the past were in a different time or context, when we refer to them, we also do deep analysis of sequence-consequence. We are learning from the past, and developing the next practices towards the future effectively.
Altering or changing the frame of reference to create previously unconsidered business solutions to either existing problems or emerging issues: Organizations today are often fluid and dynamic, their boundaries and parts are not clearly defined in the first place. The problems today usually have many causes and can be very complex, we can't figure out the exact cause and effect so the solutions are vague. Lots of complex problems haven’t been solved completely yet, sometimes, people intend to fix the symptoms, but the problems constantly get back painfully. It’s important to leverage fresh information, change the frame of reference, dig into the root causes, frame the right problems, and create unconsidered solutions.
The intrinsic value of information is about turning the most invaluable information assets into precious insight which provides great reference points to understand problems. Healthy feedback-feedforward management cycles enables business professionals to look for something hidden, make better assumptions or business forecasting. Do not be afraid to make proper adjustments as implementation is underway.
Reference to "human capital" should encompass collective potential: In many circumstances, individuals and organizations with potential haven't performed to the level where there is actual performance in all the areas desirable. Individuals need to step outside the box and challenge perception, push themselves to their limit, in order to unlock their creative potential and solve problems innovatively.
Good leaders are good human capital investors and potential explorers who can build a work atmosphere to encourage creativity, autonomy, and influence. They empower their people to reach their full potential by thinking differently and acting courageously. Collectively, it’s important to build competitive teams, organizations, societies with complementary mindsets, expertise to unleash human potential smoothly.
We are living in a complex world where disruptions and conflicts are continuously happening. Organizational leaders and professionals welcome challenges, encourage debates, learn the nature of each other through the aspect of respectful dialog in order to step into the “VUCA” new normal wisely. It takes a lot of effort, reference and resources to make change happen, and it takes even more effort to sustain changes and lead business transformation.
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