Friday, June 23, 2023


For a business, innovation is “anything that is new to you.” Innovation is important business activities and capabilities.

In a stagnated working environment, people are disengaged, employees do not feel like they have an opportunity to contribute enough, or their work does not get recognized fairly. Business progress is more like a journey than a destination, it is no surprise that there are many confusions or frustrations on the way.

 It has to deliberately facilitate thought-out planning and clearly-defined principles to deal with unprecedented uncertainty and make a seamless business paradigm shift.

It’s good to know that the logical process of reflection is the foundation of growth, evolution, learning, improvement, refinement, progress: Organizations usually reflect the personality of their leaders and professionals. Through constant reflection, you can consciously discover and change your unconscious bias, continue to improve your ability to lead, overcome unconscious bias, explore different ways to do things, and do fairer things for the people and human society. The organizational model used is also a reflection of how much investment is needed in the capital and human training to make the organization commercially viable.

Reflection before embarking upon change initiatives enables the company to focus on strengthening its strength and building their competency. Organizations have to set common principles to practice continuous reflection; when people are inspired to reflect, discover who they are, their inner genius is empowered to grow into who they want to be, they are often on a unique path to develop strength.

It’s great to understand revitalization can help the business overcome challenges, deal with paradoxes across individuals, teams, and enterprises smoothly: People need to be developed fully so that positive energy can flow and collective human capabilities can really be transformed. In many ways, the organization is a reflection of the spirit of its top leaders and attitude of employees. It’s crucial to design a viable organization for striking the right balance between solid and flow, enjoying a powerful tailwind to improve business performance and speed.

Organizations help to renew itself by providing an environment within which employees at all levels are inspired and allowed to commit their best. A high-performance business needs to be elaborated in a well-organized effort, enabling emergent business changes in its own behavior, function, and structure. Flattening a corporate hierarchy serves no purpose if at the same time you flatten the intention and tenacity of people who take chances to change proactively. It’s critical to bring companies into the full-spectrum of innovation for achieving high-performance results.

Reorganizations not only need to build a cohesive relationship with various stakeholders, but also apply nonlinear logic to improve business innovation: Not only should business leaders exemplify behavior, but also should they transmit creative energy to a variety of people, build an innovative organization. Structural innovation management requires an effective innovation ecosystem that is capable of supporting both widespread incremental innovation and the rarer step-change innovation in products/services, business model, design, process, and market positioning.

The workplace is dynamic with the right organizational culture, with which people can take ownership of their works, processes, and believe they can produce better than expected results. People must believe in the company' purpose, create an innovative culture with strong values, and put the right people in the right seat for the right purpose/goal. The organizational structure carries inherent business strength as to what can be achieved within its frame to enable clearly-defined business goals and expedite business innovation. The harmonization of intertwined leadership structure and organizational structure can accelerate business performance, unleashing organizational innovation potential.

For a business, innovation is “anything that is new to you.” Innovation is important business activities and capabilities. It takes exceptionally visionary leadership to see all important business forces working against the better path of business growth, bring about significant changes in business minds, attitudes, and behaviors, and scale up the business innovation efforts smoothly.


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