Saturday, June 3, 2023


There are -many causes of stagnation; there are -numerous roadblocks to changes; are you able to-shape game-changing mindsets, well-rounded capabilities; renew energy, ride ahead of - learning curves, to overcome stagnation, speed up impressively?

We live in-

a constantly changing world;

if you get stuck,

you are lagging behind;

repetitively doing -

something without -

making improvement is-

a stagnation.

resistance to -

change gets you stagnated,


complacency stagnates you-

to move up, progressively;

If you stick to-

the comfort zone for -

too long,

you lose-

the “mojo” to-

move forward,


negative conflicts,

competitions diminishes -

the brightness of -

true talent,

stagnating entire human society,


There are -

hard barriers,

soft pitfalls behind -


hoarding knowledge without -

updating it is -


being compliant without -

making achievement is -

a stagnation;

following outdated rules,

conventional wisdom is-

a stagnation;

fixing symptoms without -

digging into the true cause is-

a stagnation…


change fatigue make passion-

fade away,

block energy,

stagnate people to

make progress,


There are -

many causes of stagnation;

there are -

numerous roadblocks to changes;

are you able to-

shape game-changing mindsets,

well-rounded capabilities;

renew energy,,

ride ahead of -

learning curves,

to overcome stagnation,

speed up impressively?


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