Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Each human being is a potential innovation by definition as you won't find two humans that are exactly the same.

Due to the “VUCA” (Velocity, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) characteristics of the digital new normal, organizations have to leverage refined information to improve its responsiveness in adaptation to changes, catalyze innovation to survive in the ever evolving business dynamic.

 Innovativeness is absolutely a mindset; breaking down rules is indeed an important part of creativity. People need to become more innovative, otherwise the world will come to a standstill.

Innovation & Initiation: Innovation initiatives start with the “why,” to clarify the vision and motivation of innovation management. Compelling business cases describe the initiative’s benefits and costs flow. Then, address the “HOW?” - the logical scenario and processes are taken to manage innovation; how innovation initiative situates the organization within a growing and highly profitable product market niche? How the initiative innovates business processes that differentiate the organization from its major competitors How evolved management is; and then “WHAT” - the quantitative and qualitative business results achieved via innovation at the end. Will it determine the initiation of corrective action to create sustainable competitive advantages?

Many legacy businesses come with a legacy mindset, the old way to do things, lack the important elements to spark creativity and make progression. A structural innovation initiative involves project initiation, requirements management, risk management, resource management, governance & controls (progress, finance, quality, and change), comprehensive dashboard reporting, and tracking of benefits realization

Innovation & Linkage: Innovation is about connecting dots either horizontally or vertically, if ever makes sense to come up with fresh ideas. What can you help to strengthen the link between different domains, build innovation competency? How extensive configuration provides the links to strategic innovation alignment, scenario planning, program and project life cycles, Constructive feedback count; lessons learned count. Undervaluing teamwork, cooperation, and trust are crucial to enhance cross-functional communication, strengthen the weakest linkage, co-share ideas and co-solve problems innovatively.

Digital means hyper-connectivity and interdependence. At the business level, silo creates barriers that surface between different departments within the organization, it further causes miscommunication between varying shareholders, between top management and the rest of the organization, between various business functions or geographical locations, etc. With missing links to communication or skills, it easily creates the gaps and leads to unhealthy internal competitions for limited resources, causing people who are supposed to be on the same team to work against each other, it stifles innovation and causes business stagnation.

Innovation & quintessential:
Human creativity has a quintessential facet with the integration of multiple thought processes such as creative thinking, divergent thinking, integral thinking, etc. Creativity can start on an unconscious level, and then, when ideas start shaping, it is brought into our conscious awareness. Being innovative is a state of mind which is based on acute observation, insightful understanding, sound judgment, courageous questioning, unconventional connection, thoughtful discernment, culture quintessential. and deep penetration.

Innovation is not for its own sake, but for solving problems creatively. When you understand the interconnectivity and root causes of problems, you may well define a starting point to break it through, absorb the quintessential, but remove or discourage the negative mindset or attitudes. Innovators are able to think unconventionally, stimulate transcendent energy to catalyze creativity, and do things in a new way.

Each human being is a potential innovation by definition as you won't find two humans that are exactly the same. We are all new combinations of the known, with the brainpower to discover unknowns. The essence of innovation is made of trying new combinations of known things to come up with alternative solutions, and accelerate breakthrough progress.


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