Debating is not for stimulating conflicts, but for brainstorming better ways to do things.
The proactive IT debates help IT leaders to brainstorm better ways to do things and improve management capabilities. Here are the monthly CIO debates collections about envisioning digital IT leadership and running high-performance digital IT organizations.
Is IT Innovative?
Is IT “Fresh” The majority of IT organizations are perceived as monolithic, isolated, and stereotypical support centers with heavyweight hardware boxes, focused on “keeping the business lights on.” IT running in an industrial mode as a business controller or a restraint no longer fits in the dynamic business circumstances or volatile digital new normal. Digital transformation represents a break from the past, with a high level of impact and complexity. To build IT reputation as the business partner, IT leaders should ask themselves how to keep IT “Fresh,” and get digital ready.
Innovative IT via CIOs’s Big “HOW” Inquiries With the exponential growth of information and disruptive nature of technology, IT can no longer just “keep the lights on,” IT becomes the business in the business to do more with innovation and lead changes proactively in many forward-thinking organizations. IT leaders need to think strategically and creatively about alternative business solutions and ask themselves tough questions. Here are CIOs’ five “HOW”s to run innovative IT.
Unconventional CIOs: How to Play Odd Balls for Running Innovative IT Digitalization is driving hyperconnectivity and unpredictability, demanding more rapid deployment that can quickly adapt to the changes and adjust to the new market conditions. Digital power is the combination of the power of knowledge, the power of information and technology, the power of people, and the power of creativity. Traditional IT in the industrial age is often blamed as the controller and change laggard, but nowadays, all leading companies across the vertical sectors declare they are in the information management business, IT needs to become the linchpin of digitalization and innovation engine of the business. To be creative, you must do something different, creativity is all about change. CIOs should take bold leadership, practice unconventional thinking and run innovative IT to get digital ready.
Is Digital CIO a Specialist or a Generalist Contemporary CIOs are top leadership roles, leadership is about future and changes, innovation and progression. Modern CIOs have many personas and face numerous challenges. It is not sufficient to only keep the lights on. The CIO leadership maturity is based on the art of persuasion and the science of disciplines, the power of knowledge and the profundity of multidisciplinary understanding. So, should digital CIOs be the technology specialists or the business generalists in order to lead effectively?
Is your Organization in the Progress, Plateau or Stagnation of Digital Transformation? Digital makes a significant impact on every aspect of the business from people, process to technology both horizontally and vertically. However, businesses evolve changes at a different speed because they are at a different stage of the business life cycle, as well as they are at a different level of business maturity. Hence, in order to lead change effectively, business leaders should do the check-up continuously: Is your organization in the progress, plateau or stagnation of digital transformation? And how to create momentum and lead change more effortlessly?
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Chapter 1 Digital IT Leadership Q&A
Chapter 2 Digital IT Fitness Q&A
Chapter 3 Digital IT Innovation Paradox Q&As
Chapter 4 Digital IT Management Dilemmas
Chapter 5 Digital IT Potential Q&As
Chapter 6 Digital IT Priority Q&As
Chapter 7 IT-Business Gap Q&As
Chapter 8 Digital IT Performance Q&As
Chapter 9 IT Branding Q&As
Chapter 10: Digital IT Talent Management Q&As
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