Thursday, April 14, 2022


Innovation is a disciplined approach to discovering and building opportunities to create new meaningful sources of value to targeted users.

Innovation is a mindset and a prerequisite to doing sustainable business these days. It is about establishing and nurturing a way of thinking.

 As innovation is in every aspect of the business, more than designing new products. The best viewpoint about innovation is to see innovation as a system which is able to deliver the organization-wide innovation capability to accelerate performance.

Innovation & assurance: Information is the most intensive puzzle piece of innovation, Information-based innovation management is the overall process of aligning the use of information through management, assurance, and involves the use of technologies and processes with the aim of producing innovative products or services to delight customers, as well as optimizing the business value that is generated.

Innovation is both art and science. There are axioms within system assurance engineering that support innovation as the result of many forms of engineering or nonlinear logics. Quality assurance management as an integral component of innovation management is a discipline of preventing mistakes or defects in designing or implementing innovative products or services deliveries and avoiding problems when delivering innovative solutions or services to customers.

Innovation & underpinning: Today as knowledge flows so freely across the business ecosystem; it is important to find the underpinning value system that we agree upon and, that has to be truths that we can all use to measure if we are going to determine it is the right direction to innovate or drive changes. Processes underpin innovation capabilities; capabilities underpin innovation strategies. Practicing these critical underpinning will continue improving innovation competency and amplifying digital effect.

Being innovative is a state of mind. The underpinning value system should drive our intuition and spur creativity all the time. They come up with everyday digital narratives, practice multifaceted management disciplines, and take the structural approach to drill down all critical success factors that underpin each of the high-level business dimensions. The purpose of a structural innovation approach is to make a significant difference in the overall levels of business performance and organizational maturity.

Innovation & meritocracy:
Authenticity, self-discovery, autonomy, etc, are all great ingredients to spur innovation. It takes planning, adapting, and innovating to enable true meritocracy as an organic system in which top talented people are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their talent, creativity, or achievement, not based on the class of privilege.

Nowadays, creativity is the most desired professional qualification. Digital is the age of people-centricity. In order to be engaged or motivated, employees must believe that the organization operates on a real meritocracy basis and everyone has an opportunity to work hard and succeed. Unconventional thinking is encouraged and innovation is catalyzed to accelerate performance. Developing a high mature digital fit workforce won’t happen overnight, it takes planning, adapting, and innovating to enable true meritocracy.

Innovation is more about taking something someone created and adding to it, changing it, adapting it; in some sense, to a particular need, whether individual, group, or industry. Innovation is a disciplined approach to discovering and building opportunities to create new meaningful sources of value to targeted users. It is a sustainable and scalable way that can be learned and practiced as a set of management disciplines. Innovators should always have a greater vision in mind and strive to return sustainable development and growth back to society and the community they are working in/for, with the very goal to unlock performance and unleash collective potentiality all the time.


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