Thursday, April 21, 2022


An innovation framework is a systematic innovation methodological environment or a sort of "professional philosophy," to improve innovation management effectiveness and maturity.

Nowadays, many people and organizations are talking about innovation, but very few practice creativities persistently, walk the innovation talk effortlessly, and manage innovation effectively. 

A comprehensive innovation framework with all important enterprise components is a great tool to intensify innovation with focus and manage innovation in a structural way.

Innovation process: Innovation is not serendipity, processes are used to create, deliver and manage innovation. The process to support the creation of sustainable, systematic innovation can be structured. That process may start with a 'what if' or 'if only' moment or a direct challenge to find a solution. A motivated team will be creative and will innovate, but the team must have the latitude. That means you cannot run at maximum capacity. Some processes are more structured than others in innovation management. Creative ideas keep evolving; the processes need to be optimized to improve innovation success rate.

You begin the innovation with a well-aligned structure and process. If you keep perfecting them while communicating the results to the rest of your organization via clarified language, sooner or later, structure and process will become the culture. Thus, different organizations must tread on their own path of the quest to understand the symbolic language of nature contributing to evolutionary processes for building a high-innovative business.

Innovation leadership: Digital means flow, the mind flow, idea flow, and information flow. There is innovation friction existing and change fatigue blocks the way. Innovation leaders play an important role in setting good policies in the language understood by varying stakeholders, encouraging growth mindset, spurring creativity, and ensuring their organization is in the right position to build long term advantage.

Learning, innovation, and improvement will come from all of the workforce and not just the chosen few who believe they have all the answers. To explore innovation opportunities, the great leaders stand up as high as they can and look in every direction so they could view the landscape from a different angle, let go of the current reality and think outside the current constraints and comfort zones for allowing an unknown future state to emerge and manage innovation dynamically.

Innovation portfolio:
Digital innovation has a broader spectrum with the right mix of incremental innovation and radical innovation. The variety of innovation portfolio is to build a varying set of unique business competency. Different types of innovation should be managed via tailored management processes and scientific resource allocation. The goal to build a balanced innovation portfolio is to design a delightful and unique scene while fully taking advantage of resources effectively and bringing fruitful innovation and top-notch business performance.

Innovation fails because many organizations lack a cohesive strategy or a systematic approach to manage both opportunities and risks in a structural way. Particularly, breakthrough innovation is better with greater ROI but with much greater risk. Thus, it takes the bigger innovation appetite. Bridging innovation execution gap to achieving the business objectives requires a logical execution scenario with well-set performance parameters, and adaptive, iterative experiential processes, etc. During the whole innovation process, make sure that all staff are aware of the planning, processes, schedules, or potential pitfalls, they are ready for taking responsibilities of building differentiated innovation competency.

With a well-educated digital workforce today, it's obvious that innovation is being pursued now more than ever, and in fact, we see much more innovation in more and more areas of the business landscape. An innovation framework is a systematic innovation methodological environment or a sort of "professional philosophy," to improve innovation management effectiveness and maturity.


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