Friday, April 8, 2022


Innovation is a state of mind that focuses on crafting creative ideas and spurring innovation

With overwhelming growth of information and continuous business disruptions, today’s digital organization simply just can’t stand still, but needs to keep evolving and innovation. 

Being innovative is a state of mind, to make unusual connections, to generate fresh ideas and solve problems alternatively, with emotional intelligence and a risk-taking attitude.

Innovation & convincing: Innovation needs to break down conventional wisdom and pursue better ways to do things. You have to convince your team to buy into your vision, goals, and approach and be willing to sublimate their egos to achieve them. The top leadership sponsorship is also important. Does top management need further convincing for the value of innovation initiatives? Convince them to really want an innovation initiative based on information based analysis and forecast, then it is a good idea to proceed.

In order to orchestrate structural innovation, focus on convincing, persuasion, and collaboration, being able to listen to a wide range of opinions and approaches, knowing how to collaborate with stakeholders of all stripes, be able to facilitate and orchestrate the multitude of differences, values, cultures and gain a profound understanding of the business ecosystem. Some said: Theory = thinking. Practice = doing. A convincing theory also helps if you want to sell an idea. Innovation management in the enterprise scope requires cross boundary communication and collaboration to achieve a high return on investment by enforcing shareholders’ participation, and convincing them of new innovation initiatives with solid business justification by demonstrating the potential benefits to meet the strategy.

Innovation & harmonization:
More often, you need the "Misfit Mind" to innovate culture; and you need cultural fit for harmonization. Business leaders and professionals have to keep experimenting with better business design - for achieving the organizational goals and reaching the state of zest, fluidity, and harmony. They should be encouraged to think differently, and build a culture of creativity. The more effortlessly you can contextualize business understanding, synchronize information flow, harmonize business relationships, align, integrate, and optimize the important business factors inside an organization, the closer you can accelerate innovation performance.

Create a harmonized working environment by communicating smoothly and taking a collaboration road to make continuous deliveries. The challenge for achieving the harmonies of innovating the business is to manage its portfolio of relevant cross-border synergies, strategic flexibility and organizational interdependence, empower people, engage digital talent. Creating a context where people can collaborate where they are empowered and respected and innovate all the time. Organizations that have a high mature strategic alignment, integration, collaboration, or harmony will outperform their competitors and tend to be more responsive to the business dynamic and become more innovative in a consistent way.

Innovation & friction:
Creativity is stimulated via cross-functional communication, cross-generational brainstorming, and cross-industrial dots connection. Friction is part of reality for making changes, especially innovation. Frictions are not always negative; creating productive friction is about flow, quality, and creativity. The idea of productive friction is a way of encouraging and instilling an innovative environment in which people spend more time on creative activities for unlocking potential. Even though productivity seems to decrease, the productive friction can spur innovation.

The culture differences are by far the largest source of friction: Big batch vs, continuous flow; hierarchical management vs. networked management; command and control vs. self-organization, etc. Silo thinking or bureaucracy enlarges communication gaps and creates friction for innovation. To lubricate culture friction, you need to understand people empathetically; make a seamless transition from silo setting to continuous flow; from rigid hierarchical management to networked management; from command and control to self-organization; from training for fixed roles to learning to fit the purpose. The goal is to keep leaning agile, gain fresh knowledge and build innovation capabilities.

Innovation is a state of mind that focuses on crafting creative ideas and spurring innovation. Without innovation, companies will get stale and become irrelevant due to hypercompetition and frequent disruptions. You need to spend time and energy on setting the right priority and focus on creative activities. Real-time sharing and anticipation, active listening, process transparency, and mutual trust are crucial ingredients in building a creative team, generating enriched ideas and delivering innovative solutions consistently.


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