Friday, April 14, 2023


Anathesis incorporates analysis and synthesis into a higher level of understanding for making decisions or solving problems thoroughly.

Global society becomes over-complex; it's important to analyze and synthesize information, dig deeper to gain contextual understanding by sensing differences and embracing uncertainty. Business professionals are able to analyze both fact-based and intuitive input, understand where each is coming from and have some trust from them, then synthesize them for refining fresh insight.

Logic is often nonlinear and multidimensional in today’s dynamic global world; anathesis (analysis + synthesis) logic is the hybrid thought process of breaking down and binding up, as often analysis and synthesis always go hand in hand scientifically to deal with complex situations in a structural way.

Anathesis logic examines both parts and the whole:
Analysis is about understanding the thing by examining it as parts; synthesis is understanding a thing by examining it as a whole. Analysis is the right tool to weigh varying factors in decision-making by processing, refining, and understanding information to capture fresh insight. But often, analysis as a process ignores emergence.

Synthesis integrates different pieces of information together to shape the view more future-oriented, hyperconnected and interdependent; with the combination of components or elements to form a connected whole. It’s more on the lines of holistic problem-solving by taking a longer-term approach.

Anathesis logic is to make reasoning via augmenting and summarizing: if analysis enables people to uncover the puzzle pieces and see separate pieces of truth; so synthesis tries to bind things together, to glue up the large puzzle. As the truth is revealed with the big picture view. Analysis is necessary to have knowledge of an argument of a situation, or a problem. Synthesis is important to see connectivity, evolving strategic thinking and holistic understanding.

Arguably, humanity argues as much or more about what we ought to do, analysis is sort of cognition abilities or a set of technical tools for the evaluation of these kinds of arguments, Synthesis is necessary to summarize understanding of it and to transfer information about it to others, seeing the interconnectivity, explore the emerging possibilities. They are interdependent and complementary to each other for making sound judgment, and solve problems, or even chains of problems effectively.

Anathesis logic is to figure out where reductionism and holism come together into one for coming up with premium solution: Many of today’s problems are over-complex and interdependent, that means, doing analysis is a necessary step for understanding issues thoroughly as you need to allow a “bottom up” approach to collect sufficient information. gaining an in-depth understanding of components. However, besides breaking down, you need to combine different pieces of answers to grasp the wholeness; and ensure a cohesive solution to larger problems with less side effects.

Analysis is only part of the problem-defining and solving scenario, the pre-phase of synthesis which figures out the relevance of the past and present for the future desired outcome. Solutions are made from a much broader and encompassing view that is not possible via linear thinking only, but based on anathesis logic and holistic reasoning.

Anathesis incorporates analysis and synthesis into a higher level of understanding for making decisions or solving problems thoroughly. Analysis-synthesis is an iterative continuum; every synthesis is built upon the results of a preceding analysis and every analysis requires a subsequent synthesis in order to verify results.


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