Monday, April 10, 2023


Values Management requires a close examination of all of the organization's vision, mission, purposes, strategy, culture, and leadership.

Running a successful organization is to generate multidimensional value to stakeholders. Business management needs to properly understand all elements or forms of value that are translated to the organization, and how all the pieces and parts of the organization are ultimately impacted. 

It has to explore both the art and the science of value management discipline by each new business initiative, in order to run a value added business with a high level of maturity.

Values create value -that are the values a company stands for: Either individually or collectively, values are not a set of behaviors we put on like costumes. They are the driving forces behind everything we do and everything we express. There are strategic values and tactical values; there are incremental values; transcendental values; some values are long-lasting; other values are intermediate. Good value management improves business performance; great value management accelerates value-added business transformation.

Collective values are manifested in the way people conduct meetings in the boardroom, the way people treat their employees, the solutions they offer to customers, vendors, or varying stakeholders. Therefore, the value chain process is the flow of activities, which include what managers, employees and applications do. The value-based management enhances guidance, improves business effectiveness and performance, achieves collective advantage and multi-layer ROIs.

Value, purpose, principles are part of ideology/philosophy in running a global organization: Global professionals today need to articulate a set of clearly-defined values that they can bring to the table. Insightful global leaders and professionals convey multifaceted global value, present the fitting mindset, attitude, and behavior consistency in conveying those values consistently. They show value-based integrity to make sound judgment, think and act authentically to enhance accountability.

Global professional competency development requires character, a set of value-driven principles, knowledge, expertise, determination, persistence, discipline, dedication and practice in the present and a continuum. Transparency and simplicity go together for enhancing value-driven management to make a sound judgment for achieving multifaceted business value

Innovation is about transforming great ideas to achieve their commercial value: Companies compete on innovation, regardless of how long they have been in business, the value proposition should be customer-focused, and define the ideal business model, distribution, products & services. The very goal of managing innovation is to solve problems large or small for creating multifaceted business value.

There are multiple purposes behind innovation initiatives. Some can be more inventive to generate brand new ideas; others are more innovative to achieve its business values. Business leaders not only need to lead the great teams for innovation, but more crucially, they are also able to “walk the talk.” Differentiation is not the end game, value creation, and forward vision are.

Values Management requires a close examination of all of the organization's vision, mission, purposes, strategy, culture, and leadership. Not all business value is directly related to ROI. It’s important to explore how value is created & delivered. The whole value chain needs to be realigned, engaged, and contributing by sharing the value to generate more value and improve organizational performance solidly.


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