Sunday, April 23, 2023


Isn’t discovering self a journey, the answers lie within us; all we need to do is seek.. we should find them, ultimately.

Our minds are -

big or small;

solid or flow;

deep or shallow;

there are-

likely multiple "boxes,"

we try to stay within;

can we think-

across boxes,

create "intersection of thoughts,”

generate interdisciplinary knowledge,


People are constrained by -

such a little thinking box with which -

they are familiar with;

isn’t it difficult to-

think outside -

the box from within,

should you -

think hard,

think deep,

think beyond;

think loud;

being insightful,


Consciousness is -

the state of awareness,

keep exploring yourself,

your thoughts, wellbeing;

discovering that source within,

the kind of emotions within you,

triggers a creative process,

bringing novel ideas out into -

the world, abundantly;

explore yourself to be,

not one,

but a multitude of selves,

some articulate, resilient,

some out-of-the-box, vulnerable;

do you agree-

 open mindsets;

proactive attitudes,

right dose of confidence,

are all valid within-

the context of -

creative intelligence?

Isn’t discovering self a journey,

the answers lie within us;

all we need to do is seek..

we should find them,



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