Thursday, April 13, 2023


Organizations have to strike the multitude of digital balances which impact each other in order to achieve such a state of dynamic equilibrium.

With increasing speed of changes and overwhelming growth of information, we don't really know the future of the industry or the ecosystem, but we prepare organizations to become more resilient, and compete in it. For quite a while, the majority of us will work in an organization that is somewhere between old and new; running at both industrial speed and digital speed; mixed with the physical building and remote environment. 

The ultimate goal of running a high-performance business is to strike the right balance of growth and stability, achieve value-added results and reach high-level business maturity.

It’s important to balance cognitive differences, complement each other’s viewpoint to make objective assessment of people or things:
There are many concepts that seem to be opposite, indeed, they are complementary to keep the world balanced. In the organizations across vertical sectors, keep information flow, ideas flow and business flow, but also make sure businesses are solid enough for enabling responsibility-taking, problem-solving, to achieve a state of dynamic balance.

Top leaders need to understand the collective mindset of their organization about how they do things here and the team's collective capabilities, strength & skills, so they are able to assess the maturity of business capabilities objectively; identify crucial business problems, decide effectively, and lead change with the right speed. They are able to fulfill their vision by structural change management with the right balance of quick wins and breakthroughs, to sustain prosperity at both organizational and societal level for the long term.

Paradoxical understanding of pairs of traits help business professionals improve decision intelligence and problem-solving competency: Balance in a given context is not a fixed point which is right, and all others are wrong, but some appropriate range in the continuum between extreme positions. There are some traits that come in pairs and act in opposition to each other, but they can be balanced well to improve management competency. One of those pairs is Trust and Control. The more we trust, the less we need to control each other. When we start to lose trust, we begin creating rules and trying to control others. It’s important to strike the right balance of confidence and humility; emotions and logic; without balancing analysis and gut-feeling well, we cannot make sound judgment and achieve high purposes..

From a business management perspective, it’s also important to balance the seemingly opposite forces such as individualism and collectivism, to unbiasedly observe, dispassionately analyze, and informatively decide. Complementary and competitive teams can both produce a certain level of good results, but more often teams who compete constructively and solve problems collaboratively are usually the winners! if necessary, rewrite the rules for guiding changes, discover and embrace novel ideas and strike the right balance between the new way and the old way to do things.

Rebalancing resources helps the organization and strike the right balance of “running, growing and transforming” business steadfastly: Information is the real asset and invaluable resource because it's consolidated, consistent and reliable to extract business knowledge and insight. Balance of global and local need is the extent to which they allow organizations to pursue the optimal mix of local operating preferences and nuances along with established global principles and standards. Resource management becomes a bottleneck for developing corporate capabilities. Rebalancing resources helps the organization take advantage of resources effectively, optimize cost, and strike the right balance of “running, growing and transforming” business steadfastly.

Resources are critical to every organization; it’s critical to close the resource and investment gap to enforce a holistic resource management discipline to unlock the organizational potential. The organizational processes use resources to integrate, reconfigure, gain and release resources to match and even create market change. When resource management becomes a bottleneck for improving organizational performance, no wonder companies across the vertical sectors get stagnated.

Organization management is multifaceted and holistic. Balance, growth are not fixed, they are flowing. Organizations have to strike the multitude of digital balances which impact each other in order to achieve such a state of dynamic equilibrium. In a collective setting, it’s crucial to sustain a balance of creativity and process; opportunities and risk; individualism and teamwork, diversification and unification; “virtual worlds” and human connection, science and art. 


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