Monday, June 5, 2023


Hold on to- the beliefs; boundaries are -loosened up, considerably; shall we understand- each other deeper, broader, become wiser and wiser?

Hold on to-

each other;

in order to add value to others,

you need to -

hold people in high regards,

not only for-

who they are,

but for the potential that-

lies inside of them, innately..

Hold on to-

the beliefs;

boundaries are -

loosened up, considerably;

shall we understand-

each other deeper, broader,

become wiser and wiser?

Can we take-

an inclusive approach to -

open up-

the new space to -

rejuvenate creative energy,

build trust, reciprocally?

Hold on the truth;

if we stand-

at the right angle to-

see from different angles,

we know -

even they are different,

but hold part of the truth in it;

continue to generate-


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