Monday, June 5, 2023


Refine yourself, discover innate strength, Isn’t refining -true purpose a helpful instrument to- guide yourself, refine career experience with -solid footprints..

Our global world is forced to-

"grow out" of a paradigm,

because of -

changes, with its rapid speed;

refinement is rather like-

climbing a mountain,

capturing fresh, open views,

discovering unusual sceneries,,

building unexpected connections between-

our starting points and its rich environment,

unbelievably. .

We cannot experience everything;

be open-minded to-

learn, grow, innovate, constantly;

not finding the information needed to -

clinch a deal is -

a good wake up call to -

diagnose potential defects;

the better way to-

make sound judgment is to

refine information into -

fresh insight,

relevant knowledge;

the better way to-

refine experience is-

“Lessons Learned”;

Do not to let-

things “fall apart”;

but build an “integral whole” forethoughtfully..

Refine yourself,

discover innate strength,

Isn’t refining -

true purpose a helpful instrument to-

guide yourself,

refine career experience with -

solid footprints to -

accelerate performance,

unleash potential,

approach the next phase of -

professional maturity, inspirationally?


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