Monday, October 28, 2019

The Best “Persistence” Quotes of “Digital Master” Oct. 2019

Either being single-minded or persistent, grit is the very quality to keep you focused and discover a sense of purpose.

"Digital Master” is a series of guidebooks (28 + books) to perceive the multi-faceted impact digital is making to the businesses and society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” It perceives the emergent trends of digital leadership, provides advice on how to run a digital organization to unleash its full potential and improve agility, maturity, and provide insight about Change Management. It also instructs the digital workforce on how to shape a game-changing digital mindset and build the right set of digital capabilities to compete for the future. Here is a set of “Persistence” quotes in “Digital Master.

1 Vision keeps you staying focus, passion charges up your energy; but it is persistence enables you to overcome many obstacles, failover and fail forward.

2 The human beings need to be enthused to participate fully. Get excited about a goal to achieve is a form of love that allows you to pursue it with greater emotional determination.

3 Digital leaders or professionals need to be equipped with the grit mind which involves raw endurance, persistence, and perseverance, to help you focus on purpose, goals, and outcome.

4 Some people can have enough grit for a long time; others can only do it in bursts. No one learns the value of persistence unless there is an opportunity for persistence to pay off.

5 When facing difficulty, a persistent mind is able to handle adverse circumstances and negative feedback, be more resilient, stay focused, bounce back and transform it into a rock solid character.

6 Innovation success demands insight, understanding, patience, persistence, and courage, among other things for reaping the benefit from innovation.

7 Either being single-minded or persistent, grit is the very quality to keep you focused and discover a sense of purpose.

8 Achievements that require GRIT are not easy one hit achievements. They require dogged persistence over time which inextricably involves a projected / longer-term goal/outcome.

9 Innovators present nature curiosity, openness to new experience, cognitive diversity, intellectual engagement, pattern-discovery, learning plasticity, interdisciplinary knowledge, courage, and persistence, etc.


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