Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Monthly “Digitizing Boardroom” Book Tuning: The Corporate Board’s Mindset, Skillset, Toolset Oct. 2019

The modern corporate board as one of the most important leadership pillars in the business, plays an important role to inspire, innovate, improve, interact, interpret, influence, exemplify, and orchestrate changes. 

Modern corporate boards play significant roles in guiding businesses in the right direction and achieve expected business results. Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any organization must have the agility to adapt to changes and build abilities to advise, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals. Here are the multiple perspectives of shaping a strategic boardroom.

                 The Corporate Board’s Mindset, Skillset, Toolset  

Three Thinking Pillars in Building Digital Boardroom The board of directors is the top leadership role for overseeing strategies and steering their organization in the right direction. Leadership is the adventure to explore unknown, have confidence and insight for steering the right path for their organizations to reach the destination. Building strong thinking pillars help business leaders broaden their perspectives of the dynamic digital ecosystem, deepen their understanding of the interconnected nature of the business, with the ultimate goal to direct the business in the right direction.

What’s Inside the BoD’s Tool Box Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity and velocity of the digital era, the directorship in any organization becomes more critical and challenging. The purpose of the governing body, or board of directors, is to direct the organization in the right direction, practice governance discipline, and monitor its performance. Corporate governance is to make sure that management is doing its job properly. The corporate board needs to shift from reactive to active and proactive mode for adapting to the dynamic business environment with continuous disruptions. To improve the directorship effectiveness, what’re supposed to be inside the board of directors’ toolbox to enforce its governance discipline?

Three Perspectives of Shaping Up the Digital Ready Boardroom Digital era is volatile, complex, uncertain and ambiguous, organizations today are hyper-connected and interdependent. However, many say that the multitude of gaps, such as thinking, knowledge, innovation, strategy execution, etc., are enlarged because different industries, organizations, functions, and individuals evolve change with varying speed. The modern corporate board as one of the most important leadership pillars in the business, plays an important role to inspire, innovate, improve, interact, interpret, influence, exemplify, and orchestrate change and digitalization. Here are three perspectives to shape up the digital ready boardroom.

Can BoDs bring The Pairs of Fresh Eyes to the Boardroom Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -velocity, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of the digital era, organizations no matter large or small, all face the unprecedented change and constant disruptions. The purpose of the board of directors is to direct the organization in the right direction and monitor its performance. The directorship in any organization becomes more critical and challenging for guiding the business through the uncharted water and steering it in the right decision. Corporate governance is to challenge the management and make sure that management is doing its job properly. Can BoDs bring the pairs of fresh eyes for leading change smoothly?

The Digital Board with Global Competency Global competency is the ability to understand and act on issues of global significance or solve complex problems which have a global impact. Collectively, at the board level, global competency represents the global leadership, mindset, knowledge, insight, expertise, attitudes, skills, and behaviors necessary to thrive in today's hyper-connected and interdependent world.

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