Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Monthly “12 CIO Personas” Book Turning: The Breaking Point of CIO Role Oct. 2019

The digital CIOs have to wear different colors of hats and master multiple leadership personas and management roles effortlessly.

This book “12 CIO Personas: The Digital CIO’s Situational Leadership Practices” is the extensive brainstorming and logical content expansion of my book “CIO Master: Unleash the Digital Potential of IT,” to reimagine and reinvent CIO leadership via practicing multitudes of digital influence. The important thing is that CIOs as the top leadership role must have a strong mindset, a unique personality, and a clear idea of what needs to be done, yet creative enough to not hold the company back from growth. Regardless of which personality they have, digital CIOs need to be both transformational and situational, innovative and tactical, business savvy and technology insightful, communication-effective and operation-efficient.

   The Breaking Point of CIO Role

The Breaking Point of CIO Role: Are you a “Fixer, Builder or Orchestrator” CIO? The digital transformation has multifaceted perspectives unfold into wider multi-dimensionally enhancing systemic continuum with IT as the linchpin. In order to be an effective digital CIO, IT leaders must understand every aspect of the business and master different conversations with varying shareholders, business peers or customers. Unfortunately, many businesses still perceive their CIO as the tactical IT manager who doesn't have a seat at the big table. Is CIO role at the breaking point to keep IT relevant? CIOs: Are you a “Fixer, Builder or Orchestrator” CIO?

The Digital CIO’s Multiple Personas The digital CIO is the sophisticated leader role with a multitude of responsibilities. Especially today, businesses large or small are facing radical digital disruption, a critical factor of IT success has to do with the definitions and scopes of the role that the CIO is playing in their company. Because different organizations are at different stages of the organizational life cycle, the CIO’s responsibilities are varied even with the same title. They have to figure out their own way to make leadership influence and take a different path to improve their leadership maturity.

Three Roles to Make CIOs Stand Out Due to the exponential growth of information and continuous technology-led disruptions, it is increasingly important to run a business-driven digital IT organization for dealing with “VUCA” digital new normal and driving digital transformation proactively. CIOs today need to be dynamic people with multidimensional intelligence, multi-faced personas, multilayered professional competencies and have a multitude of leadership qualities in order to lead IT as a trustful business partner and business growth engine.

The Middle Ground CIO Leadership: Running Digital IT by Taking a Hybrid Approach Information Technology becomes pervasive in modern enterprise today, the CIO role is perhaps one of the most sophisticated executive positions in modern businesses because they often get obsessed with many things, have to wear multiple personas and practice situational leadership all the time, regardless of whether they like it or not. IT is in the middle of the sea change, it is important to realize that there are basic principles and rules that enable IT keeping the business lights on as well as leading changes and maximizing the best business value. But more specifically, how can CIOs play the middle ground leadership to strike the right balance in the digital dynamic?

The Digital CIO’s Three Distinctive Roles The digital organizations are so technology-driven and information-intensive, as a matter of fact, the success of the business relies more and more on information and technology nowadays. IT organization is like the spinal cord of the digital business which can integrate various functional abilities to bring out technology-driven business solutions. A big component of IT success has to do with the definitions or scopes of the role that the CIO is playing. Because different organizations are at different stages of the business maturity life cycle, the CIO responsibilities are quite varied even with the same title or position. Generally speaking, IT leaders can no longer act just like the tactical managers to “keep the lights on” only. Here are digital CIO’s three distinctive roles for running IT as the trustful business partner and the growth engine of the organization.

Modern organizations have their own sophistication with silo functions, the sea of information, and the pool of talent. The CIO is an inherently cross-functional role, to bridge the business and IT; the data and insight, the business’s today and tomorrow. The digital CIOs have to wear different personas and master multiple leadership and management roles effortlessly. They need to lead at the strategic level for conducting a complex digital orchestra; they should be handy managers to plumbing information and keep it flow smoothly; they also have to be like the diligent gardeners, to build a unique IT landscape via tuning technology, removing waste, nurturing culture, and empowering people.


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