Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Innovating via celebrating 7800 blogpostings

Innovating leadership is a tough journey- it’s the time to celebrate 7800 blog postings - Blogging is to pursue the digital way to communicate for envisioning, brainstorming, sharing, debating, and making a continuous delivery.

It’s the time to celebrate 7800 blog postings. Blogging is like growing a strong tree, with many fruits on it; it’s like designing and making your own jigsaw puzzles, with thousands of pieces in blended colors and shapes; it’s like writing a dynamic book, with intriguing chapters, to symbolize your own life journey, and reflect your vision, character, personality, expertise, and uniqueness...

It’s the time to celebrate #7800 blog posting for making leadership influence with the following characteristics.

Authenticity: Everyone is unique. Being authentic means being true to that in every aspect: thinking, saying, and doing to enforce accountability; and make our imagination rolling into reality. The mind of every individual is different, the actual mental understanding and subsequent manifestations in action will be different for each individual. We need to encourage talented people to articulate creatively on “who they really are,” to compete via uniqueness, and encourage change.

Vision: A visionary has the ability to think about the past, perceive what is now and foresee the future, and express their vision clearly. A great leader is a visionary. Vision is a foresight with a proactive understanding of cause and effect, not reactive seeing, paints a vivid picture and motivates others to achieve it.

Creativity: Creativity is embodied in the act of creating SELF- the creation of a “self story.” In this way, we are able to be assertive and stay the course. As the ability to think and produce, creativity requires a certain degree of independence and mental balance, is infused with an inner cohesion, hidden logic, emotional wholeness and comes from a unique vision. A creative leader can influence by sharing their dreams and practicing their creativity muscles everyday.

Gap-minding: The business is complex, the world is complex, and leadership is complex. The future of leaders have to deal with opposing views, cultures, constraints and competition. Every effective leader needs to fill a certain gap or multiple gaps in order to lead to the future confidently. Gap minding leadership practices are truly about embracing the “diversity in thought” and close blindspots to improve leadership maturity.

Professionalism: Knowledge is power, today’s leaders need to have expertise in their own professions to practice expert power more persuasively, and connect the minds more intelligently. High professionalism is a mindset, principle, and discipline, can be ripened to maturity through the combination of authenticity, capability, quality, potentiality, and resilience.

Mindfulness: Many people do wrong things, not because of ignorance, but because of poor judgment, due to bias, preconceived notions, or the lack of comprehensive knowledge. You have to be “mindful” - mastering critical thinking, independent thinking and analytics to make sound judgement or wise decisions all the time.

Coach/mentorship: Mentorship is about guiding, advising, interpreting, and influencing. Great leadership includes mentoring capability, and excellent mentorship is both art and science. The mentoring style leaders are not about providing all the answers, but about facilitating continuous dialogues to drive desirable changes.

Learning agility: Great leaders are good learners, they consistently want to keep growing and constantly want to help others grow. A state of learning mind is a growth mind, to allow knowledge flow, transform static knowledge into deep insight, demonstrating learning agility with the ability to learn, de-learn and relearn, and then apply those lessons to succeed in new situations skillfully.

Intelligence: The character defines who you are, the vision drives where you want to go, and multidimensional intelligence decides how you overcome the numerous obstacles to reach the destination. Intelligence is quick, contextual, and clear perception of any situation, plus ability to adjust to any circumstances. It’s a step closer to wisdom which transcends philosophy as well as psychology to lift up leadership maturity.

Influence: Keep adding value is a key component to amplifying leadership influence, and in order to keep adding value, we need to keep growing. The leader’s influence power has the foundation of in-depth knowledge, profound insight, and abstract wisdom to connect the minds and win the hearts to grow more authentic leaders; to influence perception into a positive movement of followership to reach a shared vision and to build a better world.

Blogging is not just about writing, but about thinking and conveying proficient messages to driving changes and reaching professional maturity. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content do take time for digesting, contemplation, and engaging. May the "Future of CIO" blog become the symbol of growth, innovativeness, and professional maturity.


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