Monday, May 31, 2021

Balanced Paradox

Recognition cannot function without cognition.

We live in such a balanced world characterized by duality: darkness – light, anode-cathode etc, full of opportunities and risks. There are competitions, conflicts, and controversies all over the place in today’s complex marketing environment. 

Digital management is multifaceted, there should always, at every turn, be a taste of better days, of continual improvement of retrospective action planning, incremental goal achieving, creative brainstorming, balanced paradox, and frictionless change management.

Both micro and macro views are crucial for effective problem solving: Business systems today are dynamic and complex. A successful business, or any system for that matter, finds its greatest stability when the parasitic and collaborative elements within it find a balance. Running a business is all about solving problems large or small. Effective problem-solving modeling helps to shape the macro view which is mainly to know what to do, and micro view which is mainly to know how to do it. Both micro and macro views are simply methods of viewing or understanding resolution of the process, so they are crucial for effective problem solving. Recognition cannot function without cognition. The problem to improve problem-solving maturity is to have discerning eyes for understanding issues holistically, having the balanced view to set the right priority, and having the ability to reflect over how you make sense of something, to reflect your process of sense-making as a way to query the relevance and boundaries of the prejudice you have used in your judgment process.

In management practice, there are both strategic concerns and tactical issues; there are large-scale transformative change to solve macro problems which directly impact on the strategic direction of the business; there are micro problems, but significant as well, as sometimes, the small issue can generate a butterfly effect if it hasn’t been taken care of timely. Thus, it is important to think about business systems from a micro and macro perspective in a systematic fashion as more often than not, you need to take care of issues behind the scene such as functional misalignment, structural rigidity, or cultural inertia, etc. Macro analytics models are often the starting point - general and qualitative; and "micro" analytics models are "scientific" - more specific and quantitative. The macro analysis identifies the impact factors in a system, and micro-approach is pinning down into the underlying elements. True trust has to be nurtured from the soil and in combination with appropriate micro and macro climates.

Coordination & competition in running a health business is a good combination in every single dimension, stage and initiative: Competition has different connotations and meanings under different situations or context. Competition, in and of itself, is not inherently bad, Healthy competition is important for either change or innovation. But sometimes, competing against one another slows the team down and can stall innovative thinking. In many circumstances, silos are inevitable in every structured organization. We still tend to encourage negative competitiveness between team members and it is totally counterproductive and contagious, it stifles the effort to build the culture of creativity. Unhealthy competition at all levels of the organization can create unhealthy rivalries that result in productivity decrease and employee discouragement.

So it’s critical to build principles and disciplines to discern the positive motivation or negative energy behind the competition, and how to leverage energy in a more meaningful way; not just for beating down the competitors, but for living with purpose. Collaboratively, the purpose is the salt you put on the teams for achieving common goals; a successful team with a strong basis of trust tends to be a balance between the two actions- coordination & collaboration which are underpinned by Trust and Control. If each team member executes their objectives, and the team's goal is well understood, then trust within the team will be high regardless of how competitive each is. The more we trust, the less we need to control each other. Creative collaboration via integrative diversity can overcome silos and accelerate performance..

Simplicity & complexity: Organizations "become complex," as an evolutionary trend, to respond to environments proactively. Because any business practice today is always a complex combination of people, process, and technology to develop business competencies. The emergent digital complexities include hierarchical complexity, environmental complexity, information complexity, collaboration complexity, and governance complexity, etc. But the art of digital management is not to complicate things, but to eliminate unnecessary complication and encourage desired complexity, simplify and optimize the business for reaching the next level of maturity.

Growth, balance, and harmony are not fixed, they are flowing. “Simplexity” is the pertinent portmanteau word mixing with two words "Simplicity," and "Complexity," to reflect the very characteristic of digital organizations which arise when the scale of the interrelations, interactions, or interrelational interactions amplifies the collective capability to achieve more values for the organization. The matter is that the dynamic digital organization needs to get away from letting things fall through and start creating an “integrated whole” to accelerate its performance by utilizing correct processes to deal with a variety of complexities and underpin a unique set of business capabilities.

In fact, the universe is an intermix of micro and macro entities and every aspect of it is characterized by duality. Paradox is an attribute of thought and language in the world we live in. Being able to hold two opposites as both true is always the start of really creative possibilities, so maybe that could be another facet of the search for opposites and dodging the arguments. Historically, every advance in science or society is about dealing with paradoxes, using balance as a leverage for gaining an in-depth understanding of seemingly paradoxical situations, economic and social systems for solving multifaceted problems strategically and cohesively.


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