With accelerated digital speed, everything is always moving forward promptly, agility is about making progressive movements.
It is a quality of the organization and its people to be adaptive, responsive, continually learning and evolving, to be agile.
Agile organizations are specifically adapted/organized to increase learning agility, tackle complex business problems and advocate self-management: Fundamentally running a business is a problem solving continuum. There are strategic problems and tactical issues. Business agility is the ability to adapt to changes as well as create momentum to change for dealing with problems smoothly. Numerous changes or business transformations run, complete, and then slowly crumble away as people slowly revert to old ways of doing things, and get stuck with complacency. Once that complacency barrier is broken, people become more creative and learning agile, a positive change process can commence. Being learning agile is the shift from the reactive learning mentality to proactive learning attitude, enabling individuals to look forward, improving their agility.
In the agile organization, business leaders today need to look ahead and be proactively looking for opportunities to improve, identify the capability gaps for strategic problem-solving. It’s crucial to identify the capability gap, and missing components of business success factors for effective problem solving. The set of business capabilities with high-maturity can make organizations more adaptable, agile, and highly competitive, to solve problems strategically.
The key strategic goal of an Agile organization is the key strategic goal of any organization to improve profitability: Agile success can improve the entire business competencies because they can do things quicker and better, encourage improvement and innovation. It helps senior and mid management to improve process effectiveness and efficiency. One of the strategic goals of business management is ultimately done to improve profit. The realization of that profit may be in the short, medium or long term. But people need confidence that their actions will make a positive difference - whichever timeline they are looking at.
At the micro level, business management is more about building the product right to delight customers and make profit. In the context of the organization, from the highest strategic to the deepest technical levels, "agility" is a fast, sure response to external stimuli. It is the ability to "pivot" and change direction in response to market pressure, or to create market opportunity as increasing the organization's profitability would be an important value proposition. When top business leaders let the revenue generation/increase become the focus vs. cost savings/optimization, it is a very good sign about how the companies will deliver the business results and increase profitability.
In business reality, process redundancy, management bureaucracy, technology complication, inflexible approach, etc, are part of the business new normal. Business management needs strong discipline to reduce cost, optimize underlying structures and functions. It needs the flexibility to adapt "in-stride" as necessary to move the goal promptly as they discover the knowledge and events of tomorrow. It needs to keep optimizing cost and resource management to improve efficiency and simplification.
With accelerated digital speed, everything is always moving forward promptly, agility is about making progressive movements. Business leaders who can perceive the ebbs and flows in digital evolution, looking uphill and looking deeply into the future. The successful individuals or businesses are the ones that demonstrate agility- have learned why to change; when change is called for, how to decide what to change, and who will get involved, improve change agility and organizational maturity.
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