Sunday, April 2, 2023


Logic could be scientific, artistic or philosophical. Logic is often nonlinear and multidimensional in today’s “VUCA'' world.

Logic is the hidden thread behind all intelligent things. Navigating levels of abstraction or logic is an essential thinking skill to see interconnected relationships between the parts and the whole. 

 Logic is the sequence of how to get things done, see things underneath and around the corner, be sensitive to the emergent factors, and clarify cause-effects of complexity. As a matter of fact, logic is the hidden clue of human society.

Scientific logic is more algorithmic with hardening reasons: When talking about science, it implies logic, principle, process, practice, discipline, etc. Science is about repetitive processes and structural practices; it is about design, construction, and operations, based on the principles of logic and the patterns of nature. Scientific logic enables us to bake special formulas to make things in vast sizes & shapes, and clarify the sequence-consequence of people’s actions.

There is a variety of categorization, generalization, specialization, inference & deference logic in science. Science is what we continually do in a structural way with a set of principles and processes to solve problems; People apply the scientific methodologies of observing, creating hypotheses, and proving or disproving those hypotheses, to uncover truth and unpuzzle myths. There are choices of tools or methods appropriate for “assets in construct” to enhance scientific logic, either developed internally or acquired externally. 

Artistic logic is a soft clue with subconscious intuition people usually ignore: Artistic thinking is about imagination, aesthetics, abstraction, which are all important elements to develop creativity. The artist’s creativity remains fresh, unique; they craft the art pieces through the varying form of artistic expression and wild imagination.

There is hidden logic underneath creative intelligence. As art is a piece of work developed by artists as being principally about the act of creation; following with a logical process that helps to expand the initial ideas and build a set of hypotheses about how the product of the idea will look like, how the audience will react to the product, converting the artistic ideas to a piece of work with artistic touch.

Philosophical logic helps people to ask why and discover the truth: In order to harness that "natural connectivity" towards transforming ourselves, our organizations, and our world, philosophy is a reasoning discourse that provides broad principles for guiding our discovery, pushing towards the next stage of societal evolution. Philosophical logic allows people to abstract and balance varying viewpoints, even if they are opposite, so they can perceive things objectively, and come up with a holistic understanding.

There’s a philosophical connection between wholeness and "partness", 'wholeness' means the common belief in an object being 'whole' and existing within the physical boundaries observed; 'partness' means all things being linked together in the cosmos through their interdependent relationships. Without broad knowledge, profound insight, and ultimate wisdom, we can not understand the philosophical logic of a complex world cohesively or discern multifaceted truth confidently.

We have a need to now transcend the paradigm of logical inquiry which necessarily includes the interdisciplinary questions regarding human beings and existence. Logic could be scientific, artistic or philosophical. Logic is often nonlinear and multidimensional in today’s “VUCA'' world. It provides a different angle to deepen understanding of complex situations and it is the hidden clues for continuous discovery of truth.


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