Monday, April 27, 2020

The “Variable” Quotes of “Digital Master” Apr. 2020

The digital ecosystem is complex and volatile, being digital is the state of interconnectivity. A simple variable can be both cause and effect.

"Digital Master” is a series of guidebooks (28 + books) to perceive the multi-faceted impact digital is making to the businesses and society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” It perceives the emergent trends of digital leadership, provides advice on how to run a digital organization to unleash its full potential and improve agility, maturity, and provide insight about Change Management. It also instructs the digital workforce on how to shape a game-changing digital mindset and build the right set of digital capabilities to compete for the future. Here is a set of “Variable” quotes in “Digital Master.

1 Often we ignore the problems around us because we can't know the exact cause and effect so the solutions are vague, variable, or unknown.

2 Hard work is only one variable in the success equation, but it is one of the "controllable" variables.

3 Because of interconnectivity and the many potential options in a complex system, a small effect in one place can cause a cascade of events that produce deceptive output measures that are highly variable; thus producing averages that can be misleading as indicators.

4 The incomplete assessment of measurement variables would mislead the management making ineffective decisions or focus on short-term business results only. The comprehensive assessment of the measurement variable should tell the full story.

5 The emergent property implies varying meanings: You might use "emergent property" to mean a property that surprisingly emerges in system operation, or you might use "emergent property" to mean a property that emerges after a system change (a company merger). You might also use "emergent property" for composite system variable value that is more or less than the sum of partial system variable values.

6 General Systems Theory is a related modern concept to HOLISM: It says that each variable in any system interacts with the other variables so thoroughly that cause and effect cannot be separated.

7 A correlation between two variables does not necessarily imply that one causes the other.

8 The digital ecosystem is complex and volatile, being digital is the state of interconnectivity. A simple variable can be both cause and effect.

9 Psychology itself would be very difficult to apply and pursue if critical thinking was not a variable in the equation of its realization.
10 Effective global leaders with culture empathy can lead effectively in a global business environment; articulate and embody the diverse values and culture of the organization; respect colleagues and reports with empathy; engage effectively with multiple internal and external stakeholders, customers and partners worldwide; make effective decisions by leveraging variable factors; create core competency to expand global business growth, and nurture a working environment in which global team and the virtual team can thrive.


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