Tuesday, November 9, 2021


People centric organizations need to keep evolving, renewing, managing ideas and knowledge in a structural way and achieving the state of flow and business continuum.

The digital era upon us is about innovation and people-centricity. People become the center of management and they are the major focus for business process and accomplishment. 

The whole concept of "managing" a person in the same way as other resources is the flaw as by nature, people are creative, informative and inspirational, desire to learn and grow with abundance of curiosity. The best practices for people management include a better understanding of people through empathy and better empowerment.

People management shifts to people optimization: Whatever we sense as a human being, there is a methodology behind that; see it, sense it, get it processed in the brain and react. The human being needs to be enthused to participate and achieve goals courageously. From a people management perspective, humans are a complex asset and invaluable capital, you need to understand them as a whole person, not just the pieces of data or resources. Traditional people management focuses on performance to keep the business lights on, and measure productivity of people quantitatively. But that is only part of people management.

Humans as intelligent and social beings, are developing, growing, competition and choice are part of that process. They are full of potential. So people management shifts to people optimization; and potential management is part of performance management – managing the future of performance. Assess the people’s role in problem solving – whether they are part of the problem or part of the solution. Getting excited about a goal to achieve allows you to pursue it with passion to take initiatives with greater emotional determination.

“Coaching, development, empowerment" imply a better mindset for performance management: In the organizational setting, the manager needs to accomplish the goals through their people. They need to integrate talent management and performance management, build a strong incentive system to develop, motivate, and reward their people. They must also offer constructive advice when necessary; as well as collect feedback from their staff, highly effective managers gain an in-depth understanding of human traits such as empathy, social sensitivity, storytelling, humor, and creativity, so they can communicate, coach, and develop their people accordingly.

It is possible to achieve the goal, only if the company has clearly identified and communicated what is in scope, what is the purpose of the role, what the context is, what the company’s vision, culture, and values are and convince the team to move in that right direction. Empowerment is like respect and works both ways. To gain empowerment, teams or individuals need to earn the level of trust. As trust comes in stages; and trust is the two-way street. With mutual trust, self-management is encouraged; and people are encouraged to accomplish their goals in their own way, creativity is inspired and a culture of accountability is enhanced.

Set people-centricity tones; align people management with problem-solving management: Running a business is a collective problem-solving continuum and ensures that the business is a whole superior to the sum of pieces. Top performers have a collaborative spirit to initiate digital dialogues, brainstorm ideas, turn around tough situations, and skillfully assign their talent, resources and time carefully to solve problems that really matter. It is an ongoing process to keep tuning the team to deliver high performing results. The goal of workforce engagement is to encourage independent thinking, inspire creativity, and improve problem-solving effectiveness.

Treat employees as customers. encouraging creativity and empowering people to achieve more, etc. Encourage curiosity and growth mindsets, make people feel important, appreciate and reward them for their accomplishment. Set people-centric tones; let a team self organize into something that is fair and that enables everyone to have an equal voice and contribute their best; so the team is compelling to solve complex problems that matter and improve their collective performance.

Digital professionalism in itself is a constant learning process that requires talented people to build competency and share insight to overcome common challenges, enable intellectual stimulation, and trust. People centric organizations need to keep evolving, renewing, managing ideas and knowledge in a structural way and achieving the state of flow and business continuum.


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