Monday, November 29, 2021


We all should broaden the points of interest and try new things to develop creativity, spur innovation all the time.

Creativity is an innate ability to think and produce, connect the dots to generate novel ideas. Innovativeness is a state of mind that requires the proper psychological level of mental balance, inner security, positive attitude, and genuine autonomy. 

Innovators show creative energy, proactive attitudes, and the blend of knowledge and ingenuity. The right dose of intellectual curiosity, confidence, and humility are all valid within the context of his or her creative intelligence.

Innovativeness & invention: Innovative ways of thinking lead to value-added inventions or improvements to current inventions. Innovation is more process driven, to transform a great idea for achieving its value while invention is more product oriented, to develop something new, with the transformation of capital to a new product/process/idea, etc. Analogously, invention is the creative storyline; innovation is a compelling story; invention is a picture snapshot to stimulate excitement; innovation is a dynamic slideshow to create momentum.

Invention transforms challenges and problems into creative answers by designing or engineering something functioning, which did not exist before. Innovation is the bridge between art and science for achieving value from invention. Invention is more about design/producing logic; innovation is more about process logic; Invention creates; innovation realizes value. Innovation is the practical application of new inventions into marketable products or services. Invention is making ideas from capital, innovation is making profit from ideas.

Innovativeness & ingenuity: Creativity is one of the most important ingredients in ingenuity. Ingenuity implies sudden insight for solving problems effortlessly without following routines or conventional processes. Ingenuity usually demands creativity as a mixed ingredient for puzzle-solving. Often, creativity is at the edge of consciousness and sub-consciousness, imagination and knowledge; ingenuity is at the edge of art and science, functioning and delight.

True creativity has an inner origin, suspends or defers judgment, keeps mind opening for new perspectives or fresh knowledge. Being ingenuous seems effortless, but there are many variables, elements, and connections involved for understanding things thoroughly and making decisions promptly. Without creativity, ingenuity cannot keep fresh; without ingenuity, creativity is not so goal-driven. Creative thinking is artistic, imaginable, novel; ingenious solutions are usually inventive, evolutionary, sometimes revolutionary.

Innovativeness & improvement: Being innovative is a state of mind to break down conventional thinking or common belief, being inspired to spur creative ideas and make breakthrough changes. You bring a different twist to what is currently perceived or established. Continuous improvement is usually made by tweaks of things in the conventional way or fine tune processes to improve efficiency.

Improver is often a professional specialist who enthusiastically sharpens their skills, making product/service more efficient, organized, intuitive; from functioning to firm, up-to-date to the consumer needs. Innovator most often is to instill drive, passion, expand the thinking box, gain interdisciplinary knowledge for transforming novel ideas to achieve great value; from functioning to delight. Both improvers and innovators continuously seek new challenges, solicit direct feedback, self-driven, and accomplish their work resourcefully.

Being innovative requires not only a single type of thought process, but multidimensional thinking; not only one skill, but many; not only old experience, but a new perspective. It requires internal motivation and self-awareness; intersections of consciousness, subconsciousness, and superconsciousness. We all should broaden the points of interest and try new things to develop creativity, spur innovation; empty the mindset of how things are "usually" solved, and become open-minded to experiment with different ways to do things and have the risk tolerance attitude to explore many possibilities continually.


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