Friday, November 12, 2021


Business processes management becomes more people centric, shifting from functioning to delight; from standard to agility.

Business process management is all about streamlining flow and enhancing order from chaos. Processes underpin capability, capabilities enable corporate strategy. Processes need to be seen as pieces of a big business picture. Still, the process is the means to end, not the end itself. Process management has a significant impact on the organizational short term, long term effectiveness, and profitability. 

Although there's no such thing as a "perfect" process, the very characteristics of a good process could be: agility, efficiency, flexibility, resilience, elasticity, etc. The magnitude of process improvement and the impact it has on the organization all depend on the vision and the competencies of management.

Process optimization:
There are both event driven processes and goal driven processes. The processes are the tool to get the result you formulate in the strategy. Organizations deliberately make the close alignment among the company’s strategic direction. The interesting link to explore is the driver for identifying key strategic processes that underpin the capability-based strategy management. Nowadays, people centricity is fundamental to how processes should be managed. It is an important issue to understand that the processes in your business will deliver optimal business results to either engage employees or improve customer satisfaction. Thus, process optimization is a crucial perspective on how to improve organizational agility and maturity.

Organizations become over-complex and interdependent, thus, business processes are also becoming complex, dynamic, and nonlinear. Process complexity should be discussed once the processes have already been selected for improvements There are all sorts of process complexities such as step complexity - number of process steps involved; process flow complexity - number of splits, joins, loops; human steps complexity - front-end logic, back-end validation. The criteria to evaluate processes need to clearly identify the core competencies, and focus more on process optimization opportunities that can make a significant difference in the multitude of business management. It requires that you understand your business from a cross-functional process perspective in some detail, leverage the emerging digital technologies, apply quality information to improve process intelligence and make continuous improvement.

Process quality assurance:
Processes are diversified; the more the processes are viewed holistically and integrated, the greater the quality of the products, systems, or services will be. The process improvement approach should start with organization goals and then drill down to the process. Quality products, systems, and services are the cornerstone to providing value to the customers and satisfaction for all stakeholders. Thus, a quality assurance mechanism needs to be built into the design and implementation processes of products, systems, and services for improving overall quality of business solutions.

Process quality management is the capacity to approach the change of system or process creatively and inspire support to develop and achieve milestones and goals across teams. Processes underpin enterprise capability, and processes streamline business capacity. The quality of processes impacts corporate capacity management that refers to a process used to manage assets, resources, talent, or IT, etc, with the primary goal to ensure that the organizational capacity meets current and future business requirements in a cost-effective manner.

Process measurement and management
: As the saying goes: You can only manage what you measure. Metrics help you get some objective perspectives on what you are trying to manage, either processes or products. With tangible data, there are quantifiable elements such as process inefficiencies which can be brought to light. The right metrics can be helpful to track progress in business process improvement initiatives or the business transformation. Information savvy process management can bring greater awareness of the intricacies and the systemic value of organizational systems, processes, people dynamics, technology, resource allocation, and economies of scale, etc.

The goal of measurement is to diagnose problems and make continuous improvement. Thus, it’s not the measurement that is important; it’s what you do with the data obtained from that measurement. and qualitative elements such as ineffectiveness caused by business disconnect which can draw some attention. A measurement system is a necessary foundation for improving processes and making continuous improvement. The data-oriented metrics-wise engagement is leading the organization to become much more proactive and intelligent in problem-solving, proposing, as opposed to responding to ideas, accelerating the business speed and improving customer satisfaction.

What will be the business process management highlights the fact that while efficiency is important to leverage investments, effectiveness -doing the right things - aligning with strategy must be a part of the vision and deliverables to improve business capability and capacity for problem-solving. Business processes management becomes more people centric, shifting from functioning to delight; from standard to agility.


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