Sunday, November 7, 2021


Either improving professionalism or developing leadership, moving from one level to the next often takes genius factors, transcendent effort and continuous practices.

Nowadays, organizations and human societies are inextricably connected with information technology. The geographical territories, knowledge boundaries, industry borders, or functional barriers are starting to weaken, allowing business leaders and professionals to pursue their aspirations, develop a fitting mindset, build their unique competency, as well as apply their expertise to the greatest effect.

If knowledge-scarce industrial age means steep pyramid or overly restrictive hierarchy; then the information-abundant digital era implies fluid hyper-cycle and transcendent up-levels. People and businesses need to keep learning and acting, moving up towards the next level of understanding of complex things or problems; improving their level of professional competency; and raise their level of influence on business success and society advancement.

The level of understanding: Understanding requires a person's ability to grasp or comprehend information and discern knowledge. Too often, assumptions and prejudgments get in the way of in-depth understanding. Thus, the level of understanding directly impacts on the level of decision effectiveness and problem-solving maturity. From content understanding to contextual understanding, from single-domain understanding to interdisciplinary understanding, the level of understanding is based on the cognitive abilities of mindset, the clarity of logic; the expert level of knowledge, the lens you use to look at things, or the structure & methodology you leverage to articulate and convey the knowledge. Too often, misinterpretation or ineffective judgment is caused by misunderstanding, outdated concepts or subjective perception.

The gap between knowledge and insight is about the depth of understanding. To deepen the level of understanding, multidimensional intelligence is important to both capture the conceptual big picture and dig into significant technical detail; to create your insightful viewpoint and abstract into wisdom. Critical thinking includes analysis of argumentation, the ability for examining inference via analyzing, evaluating, and producing coherent argumentation. Creative thinking plays an instrumental role in developing a greater understanding of self, others, and the world, and generating fresh ideas. System understanding enables you to avoid tunnel vision, capture the big picture, as well as the interconnectivity between parts and the whole. Insight is the understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context, and the root cause of a problem, or the core issues of a situation which leads to resolution.

The level of competency:
In face of fierce competition and unprecedented uncertainty, individuals and organizations need to keep improving their level of competency from competitive necessities to do certain works to competitive differentiators to build a strong brand; from building linear capabilities to solve a specific set of problems to reaching the next level of integral and scalable competencies for solving more complex problems and amplifying the impact. Practically, professional competency development and maturity requires determination, persistence, discipline, dedication and practice in the present and a continuum.

It takes deliberate thoughts and continuous practices to reach the next level of professional competency. Capability optimization and competency maturity may evolve and move between categories based on the knowledge refinement, progressive disciplines, and professional practices. To move up toward the next level of professional competency, people need to keep exploring their talent, broadening their relevant skills and deepening their expertise to solve more complex problems and get higher than expected results.

The level of influence:
Influence is thought-provoking, insightful, and permeating. Defining your true purpose is a helpful instrument to make influences; the deeper you can think, the broader your vision is, the more articulated and empathetic you can communicate, the deeper influence you can make. Influence competency is based on vision and purpose with effective styles such as participation, coaching or delegation. A mind with influential competence will be more flexible and less rigidly tied to a top-down, command-and-control environment. The often described attributes of influence competency with transcendental skills include such as intelligence, creativity, global empathy, or transformative leadership, etc.

To build influence competency, it’s important to deliver consistent messages to gain minds or hearts. In order to make a profound influence, you must demonstrate high levels of cognitive intelligence, multifaceted skill sets, and strong ethics. To reach the high level of influence, leaders and professionals need to formulate their insight with enough precision and convey their vision vividly. They are able to communicate effectively and objectively, make influence on their team, their customers, their partners, their communities, or even broader scope. Strategic communication harnesses influence, empathetic communication builds trust and accountability, creative communication kindles passion, consistency in both interpersonal and intrapersonal communication keeps people awake, engaged and informed, fosters collaboration and deepens the level of influence.

We are what we continue thinking and doing. High-professionalism means authenticity. Nobody is perfect, we all have strengths and weaknesses, focus and priority. Learning, experiencing, training, are all important to improve professional competencies nowadays. Either improving professionalism or developing leadership, moving from one level to the next often takes genius factors, transcendent effort and continuous practices. Every level has its own set of requirements for knowledge fluency, skill intuitiveness, thinking profundity, and competency maturity.


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