Friday, November 26, 2021


Being innovative is a way of imagining, of perceiving, of expressing, of inventing, of inspiring, etc.

Innovators present creatively disruptive traits, disrupt old ways, and inspire better ways to do things. They are passionate to connect, to learn, to explore by understanding our commonalities, and appreciating our uniqueness. Being innovative is a growth mindset and a proactive attitude. 

You cannot wait for something to happen, keep curious, always think profoundly, learn new things, and acquire new capabilities. It’s important to connect the wider dots, apply an interdisciplinary approach to shape great ideas and management innovation successfully.

Innovation and psychology: Psychologically speaking, all humans are bestowed with three basic instincts which are humility, curiosity, and creativity, and they are intertwined. Curiosity drives us to ask good questions and learn new things. Humility allows us to understand ourselves better by self-reflection and brings egoless awareness of knowledge limitation or the level of competency fluency. Creativity urges us to change and figure out new ways to solve problems. There are many ways to differentiate, there are many ways to pursue innovation, and there is a full emotional cycle behind innovation when you think that every rational thought is linked to emotions and creates a feeling. Innovativeness is a state of mind which is infused with an inner cohesion, emotional wholeness and comes from a vision of uniqueness.

Psychologically, innovativeness is a state of mind that combines restless dissatisfaction with the current state coupled with curiosity or excitement to find innovative solutions that will produce great results. Creativity involves multiple thought processes and complex emotional stimulation. Even though we might all have similar guideposts for our inner wholeness, people have different perceptions and personalities, they might need different emotions to trigger the creative process. The kind of emotions within a person that invokes a creative process can be numerous and most likely will be a combination of emotions! This is an ongoing process just like the feeling to improve and to create.

Innovation and anthropology
: Anthropology presents every aspect of human life and elucidates the cultural traits, complexes, and motives of human behavioral aspects. The workforce today is multigenerational, multicultural, and multi-devicing. Anthropological perspectives open one’s eyes to a spectrum of things with so many different shades and colors of the same world; so people can become more informative and innovative. It helps people connect the wider dots to spark creativity, while creativity will add enriched content and unconventional wisdom to anthropology; as different knowledge domains, they mutually reinforce each other.

By applying anthropological disciplines, people can learn how to work together with harmony and connect the wider dots to spark creativity. Innovation is the only way to drive societal evolution; anthropology helps to open one’s eyes and discover the amazing and fascinating things that human beings have done. It can give people a positive outlook on the world and the idea that human beings are really amazing creatures who can also generate numerous great ideas and roll their imagination into reality. Anthropology expands people’s vision of society, cultural diversity, and human potential, to achieve the art of possibility.

Innovation and biology: Brain is hardware, and the mind is software. The brain is an apparatus, a tool is wired for collective sensation and awareness. A mind is something more personal, with cognitive abilities to generate thoughts continually, functioning smoothly by doing correlations, categorizing, classifying and sorting – multidimensional multimedia correlations to spark innovative thoughts once a while. Everything is energy and the human condition is the conditional form of energy signature; it moves from one conditional state to another, such transcendent energy stimulates imagination and catalyzes creativity.

A mind is the subjective and qualitative aspects of a self-organizing biological system of energy in which it builds models of itself and its environment in order to discover patterns of experience, and wire up to nurture creative thoughts and fresh ideas. To keep the mind growing, knowledge is the “spiritual food” that the human mind needs to absorb, in order to ponder the creation of the new insight which feeds into the consciousness. By deepening biological understanding of mind and thoughts, we can understand the interaction between what is within us and how we project to the exterior world as the bridge to achieving wholeness and what triggers creativity.

Being innovative is a way of imagining, of perceiving, of expressing, of inventing, of inspiring, etc. Creativity is a lonely trip and innovation is a thorny journey, with many bumps and curves, pitfalls and roadblocks on the way. Be dissatisfied with conventional ways to do things, but be grateful for great ideas shared or precious feedback offered. Creativity today asks for a new mindset, a connected world image, global consciousness, and cognitive intelligence, etc. By connecting interdisciplinary dots, the mind becomes an enriched environment in which innovative plants can grow without limit, an innovator can shape great vision and generate great ideas, unique insight all the time. Collectively, innovation makes the world a better place full of creative energy.


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