Tuesday, October 25, 2022


It's important to take a nonlinear logical approach to analyze, synthesize, make objective perceptions, connect unusual dots, and search for fresh insight.

Given the complexity, interdependence, and uncertainty of the business world, more often than not, lack of knowledge and scarcity of insight lead to ineffectiveness of organizational change. 

Thinking and logical reasoning are not for their own sake, but to discover patterns, enhance learning, build professional competencies, make intellectual influence and drive transformative changes effortlessly.

It involves a multitude of thought processes to do logical reasoning via connection, perception, discernment: Today's digital leaders or professionals must have a humble attitude to admit known unknown and unknown unknown, develop logical reasoning skills for analyzing, look beyond the surface, not just accept things at face value but being active in their thought processes for inferring, deferring, perceiving, discerning, deepening understanding, and making sound judgment.

When you intend to understand, interpret, and judge people or things, you need to form a critical opinion of it based on quality data, objective facts, in-depth understanding, and clarified notions. The most important capability of the cognitive mind is the willingness and ability to seek out fresh knowledge, apply multidimensional thought processes to gain in-depth understanding by addressing ignorance and assumptions, digging underneath the surface. In the team setting, collaborative logic helps to balance out the biases, generate more viable alternatives, resources, criteria, etc, all of which is shown to improve the quality of understanding.

Ask thought-provoking questions, gather adequate information, make extensive observations and investigations to make logical reasoning: In face of exponential growth of information and rapid change, the answer from yesterday is perhaps outdated in today’s circumstances. Asking the right question becomes even more important to facilitate answers. Because initiating open, bold, insightful questions can attract new concepts or fresh ideas, lead transformative change innovatively. In fact, it’s the time to listen, connect, learn, explore, experience commonalities, and appreciate differences, to illustrate the real issues, make inferential logic and take an interdisciplinary approach to understand and deal with complex issues smoothly.

Often in reality, people are constrained by the little box with which they are familiar, get stuck at the level of conventional understanding, explain things based on observation on the surface or linear logic, so it’s no surprise they miss the point of making sound judgment. Insightful leaders and professionals ask the right questions, and open for varying answers .They are able to explore varying situations from different perspectives by asking: What is the problem? Why? Is it the symptoms or the real issues? What seems to be the constraints? Which factors seem most critical; where is the weakest link in handling those situations effectively? To keep informative and inquisitive, always challenge and ensure that the question itself is corrected before answering for making extensive observations and investigation.

Leverage the multidimensional lenses to perceive the multi-facet world via interdisciplinary inference: In dealing with complex issues, we have a predisposition to seeking patterns, or potentially in the pursuit of logic. Listen to the stories from the opposite sides, see things underneath and around the corner, be sensitive to the emerging trends, and apply multidimensional lenses to take a balanced view of complex reality. With open-mindedness and flexibility, two diametrically opposed parties sometimes end up working together on a solution that suits them both.

Logic is crucial, but don’t ignore creativity. “Out of box” problem-solving is not lacking logic, but about how to expand the thinking box to reframe the circumstances or conditions around a problem and apply inferential logic to solve it innovatively. There are transformational concepts that may be seen by a majority as unconventional, but forward thinking leaders appreciate their value, transforming them into innovative ideas and solutions. Humans should all have some humility and recognize the limitations of their expertise and partner with others for interdisciplinary problem-solving.

To deal with varying issues and circumstances with uncertainty, it’s important to take a nonlinear logical approach to analyze, synthesize, make objective perceptions, connect unusual dots, and search for fresh insight. Innovative leaders and professionals today need to leverage multidimensional thought processes, strategic reasoning skills, challenge existing thoughts or standards, seek additional information and experience, and apply interdisciplinary logic to handling varying issues holistically and lead transformative changes structurally..


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