Friday, March 11, 2022


From here to there takes planning, actions, developing building blocks for changes and making continuous adjustment.

Information exponentiality and rapid changes bring both opportunities and risks, the digital organizations are not the "closed system" but an open-ended business ecosystem which is complex, interrelated, interconnected, and sensitive to the emergent factors. 

The focal point of business management is based on the future trend, the varying situations, the interconnectivity of business subsystems; and what the organization requires for its long-term sustenance. Running a successful business is a continuous journey of improving, innovating, optimizing to accelerate digital paradigm shift.

Complexity is just part of reality, manage it effectively: The business world is complex, organizations become complex as an evolutionary trend, the complexity question differs from one organization to another. There’s no such thing as absolutely good or bad, you just need to have the special eyes to discern it; the system mind to untangle it, the best and next practice to debunk it. The dysfunctional systems are possibly caused by complicated processes or unnecessary complexity. Complexity Management is the methodology to minimize value-destroying complexity and enhance value-adding complexity.

Complexity happens at the intersection of interdisciplinary domains, it’s important to look for patterns rather than isolating causes; break down the large problems into smaller pieces; analyze and synthesize, clarify cause-effect rather than fix symptoms only. Complexity is a paradox - without complexity, simplicity alone is less intelligent; simplicity is an optimal level of complexity. By clarifying logic, complexity can be managed to convey “just right” simplicity, in the core of simplicity lies complexity.

Optimize costs and avoid the pitfalls: The organization has different functions, structures, layers, and systems. It's important to involve not only putting different pieces together but also blend them in such a way that the emergent whole is somehow superior to the sum of its parts. Most businesses are typically not static, they have to become sophisticated enough to act intelligently and nimble enough to adapt to changes promptly. The management needs to keep optimizing business processes, cost, structures, subsystems, eliminating something which is not used and saving effort on maintaining it for improving efficiency and agility.

To avoid various mismanagement pitfalls, organizations need to increase visibility and transparency of the business environment. Information needs to be processed, refined into fresh insight in improving decision effectiveness. Every new technology adopted must facilitate business but also bring down the incremental cost of growth and the time to market. Organizations need to manage knowledge as soft assets, harness business relationships or partnerships that are required in order to successfully improve business manageability.

Accelerate strategy management, catalyze innovation to achieve high performance results: In order to deal with fierce competition and more selective customers, the organization must allow for learning, experimentation, and failure. That means you cannot run at maximum capacity or take linear steps to implement a strategy. Everything keeps evolving. The creation of a good corporate strategy depends upon where the company is in its life cycle. it needs to seek further breakthrough or additive and complementary opportunities to build on and sustain the existing strategy to create competitive business advantage.

To accelerate business performance, all structure and business processes tend to funnel creativity in a specified direction; The spirit of innovation will be more influenced by mindsets, cultures, and processes or behaviors around. The varying stakeholders can adjust "every day" of the digital transformation journey as the current situation and its net value change, to unlock collective performance and achieve high performance business results.

Every individual or business evolves digital transformation with different speed. From here to there takes planning, actions, developing building blocks for changes and making continuous adjustment. The more stakeholders can impact changes capable of affecting them seriously, the better chance the change will achieve or exceed the business expectations.


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