Sunday, March 27, 2022


The unbalanced mindsets lack in-depth understanding, hybrid thinking can combine different thought patterns in order to identify patterns, diagnose real problems and solve them thoroughly with consistency.

We live in a hybrid world with overcomplexity and interdependence, real world interaction and online presentation. Interdisciplinary thinking is a combined thinking process to solve many of today’s complex problems which require strategic consideration, multidimensional cognition, innovation approach, cross-cultural, cross-generational perspectives. 

Many of today’s problems are complex, which types of hybrid thinking are in demand to generate premium solutions for overcoming challenges.

Inclusiversity thinking focuses on commonalities as a human being, but also embraces cognitive difference: Organizations today have a variety of diversity such as generational diversity, cultural diversity, personality diversity, etc. Check out the research on complexity, diversity, and functionality and you will find that diversity in a group of people produces better performance and high levels of resilience. Cognitively diverse groups spark collective creativity and discover higher quality solutions. Innovation is a divergence and convergence continuum. By focusing only on what makes people different, you actually gear their mind to think about differences first. After divergence, it’s important to have a convergent process for transforming fresh ideas into great solutions to achieve commercial value. Therefore, inclusiversity thinking helps to diversify and unify, that's what cultivates the culture of innovation and ultimately improves performance.

"We are all different'' with different perspectives, gifts, and skills, then the opportunities open up, not close down. The diversity of perspective and insight, unifies for the purpose, direction, and goals. The competitive team with “inclusiversity” theme composed of talented people embraces complementary experiences, the spectrum of skills, unique competencies, cultural perspectives, and personalities, brings in fresh ideas and new perspectives to make wider connectivity and drive innovation. So inclusiversity will be transcendent to the next level of human advancement when having a common purpose.

Anathesis Thinking can better adapt to the hybrid world we live in today via holistic understanding with integral solutions: Almost every work in modern society needs some level of analytics and synthesis. Analysis is defined as the procedure by which you break down an intellectual or substantial whole into parts or components. Synthesis is defined as the opposite procedure to combine separate elements or components in order to form a coherent whole. The “hybrid mind” with “anathesis” (analysis + synthesis) is able to understand, frame, and solve today’s multilayer, interdependent, over-complex business problem smoothly.

One cannot be good at being analytical without creativity. Analytical thinkers solve problems day in and day out. They need to imagine complex problems in their context, imagine what can be done with the data, and possible solutions. Methodologically, creative people consciously use different kinds of thought processes involving both analytics and synthesis, that hold onto their natural connectivity while being prepared to connect the dots even in the opposite direction should they make sense to create innate ideas and develop innovative solutions.

Coopetition (cooperation + competition) thinking encourages positive competitions and cross boundary collaboration: Competition or cooperation can be used for a greater purpose/cause to elevate individuals as well as the entire society. Or they can be abused or misused to cause unnecessary pains, and significant problems. It easily creates the gaps and often leads to unhealthy internal competitions for the limited resources, causing people who are supposed to be on the same team to work against each other.

Many organizations today are running in between - the mix of old and new; the different departments or divisions within an organization evolve changes with different speed. With today’s digital hyperconnectivity and interdependence, it is time to step into the new hybrid era of corpetition (cooperation + competition) and reach the next level of digital harmony. Coopetition (cooperation + competition) thinking helps to catalyze innovation by inspiring healthy competition and harnessing cross-functional collaboration.

The world is far from perfect, most of the problems are caused by miscommunication, poor decision making, or irrational actions or behaviors. The unbalanced mindsets lack in-depth understanding, hybrid thinking can combine different thought patterns in order to identify patterns, diagnose real problems and solve them thoroughly with consistency.


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