Monday, March 28, 2022


It is a waste of resources to leave any valuable potential left unrecognized, untapped and unused.

Potentiality includes the overall ability to perform in the future by shaping an advanced mindset, discovering innate strength, and building core competency. The potential is an investment, improving revenue and catalyzing growth.

Learning, change, innovation, and improvement will come from all of the workforces. All ambitious businesses should make an objective assessment of their organizational strength and personality, and strive to unlock their full digital potential.

Change potential: Change is the new normal, with increasing pace, without change, organizations will stagnate. High mature digital organizations are people centric. Change comes from within the hearts and minds of the people. Traditional Change Management is often process-driven, but digital change management has to be people-centric. The organizational change potential directly impacts organizational growth cycle and business competency, driving and responding to change; seeing opportunity in uncertainty.

With “VUCA” reality, organizations adapt to dynamic circumstances, focus on performing well in new and changing contexts. From the business management perspective, shaping the future of the business is all about framing a structure that drives needed changes, continually delivers what the business needs and takes further steps to maximize business potential and unlocking performance. Change management is not a few spontaneous efforts. It’s a construct that involves the ability to recognize and diagnose the plethora of contextual variables inherent in the changing circumstances, then intentionally and intuitively adjust mindsets and behaviors in order to exert influence in that context.

Innovation potential: Innovation is unique business competency. Innovation often has a lot to do with external circumstances, often people tend to focus on internal circumstances. Innovation is to pursue alternative ways to do things. To unlock innovation potential requires thinking outside the box, altering or changing the frame of reference to create previously unconsidered solutions. Thus, individuals should always challenge their own thinking or conventional wisdom by asking questions which often lead to discovering situations others do not see at first and create multiple pathways to figure out alternatives.

In the organizational setting, it’s important to identify innovation capacity bottlenecks, such as resource limitation, process ineffectiveness, skills deficiency, or culture inertia, etc. To unlock innovation potential of the corporation, develop a good understanding of “as-is” so that you can let the ideas come forward regarding the future state. Bridging innovation execution gap to achieving the business objectives requires a logical execution scenario with well-set decision-making parameters, adaptive, iterative experiential processes, and performance thresholds, etc, as part of the wider holistic system for innovation.

Systems potential:
Consider unpredictability, uncertainty and the probability of surprising emergent properties increase with the complexity of the systems. A goal-seeking organizational system becomes purposeful, keeps evolving, technical behavior needs to be replaced by socio-technical behavior. It’s very important for any high performing organization to leverage the systematic understanding of interconnectivity, get the best alignment and leverage the collective human potential that exists or is needed to achieve great results and to tap into the passion of the people.

Contemporary companies are dynamic systems that would perhaps be disturbed by nonlinear events. Thus, it’s important to understand interfaces and interactions associated with complex business systems, engenders fresh perspectives or decisive actions as part of the process of creating a cross-disciplined understanding and building dynamic business competency. Technically, the organic system potential portfolio includes business initiatives that can strengthen the organizational strength and develop core business competencies to unlock business potential - the “future of performance.”

In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world, the problems become over-complex and interconnected. Many companies stagnate in business transformation, it is a waste of resources to leave any valuable potential left unrecognized, untapped and unused. Unleashing organizational systems potential expands the new horizon for us to see and do things innovatively. To create synergy and unleash digital potential, organizations need to fine-tune their business system and process, identify business strength, develop core competencies and improve overall business maturity.


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