Friday, March 18, 2022


Digital innovation has a broader spectrum, hybrid nature, and deep context.

In today's interdependent global economy with a high level of unpredictability, uncertainty, and unrepeatability, a new model of thinking, innovating, and transforming is a strategic imperative to solve complex problems alternatively. 

Innovation management needs to accomplish the goals through people with breakthrough minds and a set of core professional competency. Highly innovative organizations embed innovation into every aspect of their organization and adopt spiral approaches to manage breakthrough innovations successfully.

Innovation & generation:
Contemporary companies comprise of multigenerational, multicultural and multidevicing workforce. Generations grow up with different beliefs and perspectives. The conditions of the economy, the state of the world, technology, and social trends all impact the overall mindsets and behaviors of different generations. Each generation is defined by a set of stereotypes, experiencing varying historical events; in fact, that different ages and worldviews learn differently and through different media and methodologies. Getting different generations to work collaboratively is part of team building for amplifying collective creativity. This is important for any enterprise because their customers will also come from diverse age groups. Bridging generational differences and integrating generational insight are crucial to build a people-centric organization.

At the dawn of the digital era, global businesses need to shed the tendency to bridge the generational differences and shape cross-generational mindset to perceive a more complex and complete picture of their workforce for spurring creativity and unlocking potentiality. So digital leaders and professionals belonging to different generations should learn from each other to advocate the most advanced thinking, ideas, and viewpoint from a different perspective, co-develop great solutions to either existing or emerging problems, and co-shape an advanced society smoothly.

Innovation & perseverance:
Innovation, especially breakthrough innovation often implies high return, high risks. It usually requires the right dose of risk tolerance, continuous experimenting and practicing. Innovation leaders have a vision, which is so clear to them, making it quite obviously purposeful. But it takes perseverance to fulfill the purpose by overcoming barriers or pitfalls on the way. Nowadays, innovation is a collaborative effort; employee engagement and empowerment is important to inspire unconventional thinking, break down outdated rules, take alternative paths to solve problems, fail fast, fail over, and build unique innovation competency.

The foundation of creative thought is intent, and it comes from learning. Knowledge is the engine to stimulate imagination and boost creativity. The more learning, the greater intent, the greater the scope, the higher the degree of focus. There's a rocky road ahead for innovation management. The turning point for breakthrough innovation comes from perseverance. It takes passion to take an adventure, it takes determination for accomplishing the purpose.

Innovation & prototyping:
Innovation is the process that can be managed. The main innovation challenges organizations face when attempting to innovate is a consistent process through which they can develop an idea into fruition seamlessly. There are different phases in innovation management with multiple processes. Some processes are more structured than others. If discovery of fresh ideas is more about art; designing a prototype solution is more about science. Idea generation process is less structured than development; while innovation prototyping and implementation are far more “process driven,” with actions in sequence.

Companies need to filter, prototype, and validate potential solutions. and it is far lower of TCO drain than managing a "right now" idea over its lifecycle. There are choices of design or management tools or appropriate methods for managing innovation initiatives, making design proposals, doing prototypes, customizing tools and methods for the challenge will always yield a more desirable outcome.

The world becomes more dynamic, innovation is for connectivity, renewal. Ideas are seeds of creativity that can change a certain situation and future. There is more flow of creative ideas, the more is happening, the innovation pie gets bigger. Digital innovation has a broader spectrum, hybrid nature, and deep context. It is a high mature digital capability which needs to be built via disciplines, structures, processes, and practices.


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