Friday, March 11, 2022


Policy should be updated to enhance the change you would like to see. If not, then the policy is irrelevant.

Due to the high velocity and complexity of modern business, running a successful business is both art and science. There are different mindsets, business dialects, communication styles, business contexts, management practices that can shift frequently. 

It’s important to set the right policies to encourage desired change. People need to do what policies say or have the policies say what they do. Policy is not static, it needs to keep evolving.

Correlations between policy, leadership and commitment: Policy is usually top-down. Leadership is about direction and change. Top leadership teams set up good policies to inspire transformative change and incremental improvement accordingly. However, Change in rules or policies will only become sustainable if leadership, especially at the senior level out there, changes his or her mindset, making a commitment to ensure that policies are not only made timely; but also being followed by people effectively. Otherwise, policy is just an irrelevant shelf-ware no one cares about.

There are correlations between policy-making, constraints or behaviors. Good policies encourage positive thinking, good behavior, and lead to high performance. There are correlations between policy, leadership and commitment. Good policies are not about limiting people’s potential, as the matter of fact, it’s the strategic constraint and necessary frame to shape the fitting mindset and behavior. Due to fast-paced changes, the organization needs to have a healthy feedback management system with a much-needed mechanism to refine and fix a policy that is not functioning at an optimal level. The policies need to be updated timely to make sure all staff is aware of change and policies are set and implemented successfully.

Correlations between purpose, policy, and problem-solving: Every business has a purpose. The purpose itself is a multidimensional system, to keep the business system firm and operated smoothly for reaching the strategic goals smoothly. Running a business is an iterative problem-solving continuum. The management needs to see correlations between business purpose, policy, and problem-solving. Good policies encourage better problem-solving to fit business purposes. Bad policies discourage people from making progress or cause them to become part of problems.

To reach the high level of organizational maturity, companies should gain the super consciousness of business purpose, why they exist, how they exist in the fierce competitive business world. So they can set good policies to inspire staff for unlocking collective performance and fulfill the business purpose effectively. Policies that are clearly understood, articulated, and commonly shared, are the genetic code of any healthy organization. By setting and following good policies, organizations can focus on coordination and facilitation, develop the best or next practices to proactive problem-solving

Correlations between policy-making, culture and performance: People come and go. Therefore, if an organizational system is not in place, the policy is not set right, the roles are not defined clearly, the business cannot reach high performance results smoothly. Good policies cultivate a culture of high performance. Culture as one of the most invisible business success factors directly impacts business performance and management effectiveness. It takes discipline at all levels of the organization to follow good policies, work cohesively for driving high performance.

Effective policy management inspires positive mentality, encourages good behavior, drives better performance both individually and collectively. Good policies enhance a good culture, holding people accountable for their performance. By following a right set of policies with flexible management disciplines, the digital workplace can be provocative, passionate, to achieve high performance results.

Setting and monitoring policy compliance is a governance activity; implementing policy is a management activity. Policy should be updated to enhance the change you would like to see. If not, then the policy is irrelevant. So policies should be reinvented and go to the healthy cycle of de-policy and re-policy to lead a high performance business and build an advanced human society.


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