Tuesday, March 8, 2022


Innovation is not serendipity, in a basic view, innovation is a process; different types of innovation should be managed via tailored management processes.

The pace of change is significantly increasing, being innovative is the cognitive mind with the multifaceted thought process that holds onto its natural connectivity. 

Innovation is the only path and the core activity of human evolution to changing the environment for unlocking performance, for profit, and for customer satisfaction, etc. the wider dots you can connect, the fresher ideas keep emerging.

Innovation & appreciation: Appreciate exponential growth of information; as information is the most intensive piece of innovation. Appreciate diversity as diversity is the hotbed of innovation. The world is a melting pot of languages, religions, culture enrichment, etc. Appreciate learning; the more you learn, the more you appreciate how little you know, for it gives you the opportunity to keep learning; the better chance you would keep exploring the unknown and innovate. Consider authenticity to be a positive outcome of enlightened and informed motivation, appreciate our difference. Appreciate authenticity, and be true to one's own personality, spirit, or character to nurture creativity.

Take time to reflect, learn or relearn something; take initiatives to learn fresh knowledge or update skills, etc. If what you learn builds a certain degree of confidence; what you don’t know brings you an opportunity to keep growing and maturing, all of which worth your appreciation. Appreciate those who can truly understand you cognitively; appreciate those who can provide you constructive feedback; appreciate those who share fresh ideas or deep insight; appreciate things from different angles. Seek connectivity between the things; and generate fresh ideas all the time.

Innovation & sub-consciousness: Creativity involves birthing something into existence which was not there before. Perhaps it clicks at the intersection of the subconscious and conscious thinking. Subconscious thinking is often quick, and efficient; using that form of thinking, people perform tasks without being aware of what has been done. The subconscious capacity to generate disparate creative associations is not exclusively associated with the conscious task at hand. It's all about the balance between conscious and subconscious, and to be able to manage them or let thoughts flow to generate fresh ideas continually and enhance creativity cohesively.

Our conscious and subconscious thinking often work together. In fact, the process of “preloading” the subconscious capacity with a task requiring a creative solution and then deliberately distracting the conscious mind is quite common in creative industries. The more mindless the task is; the higher probability of subconscious disruption would be. During repetitive tasks, the subconscious capacity can sometimes produce creative ideas.

Innovation & reciprocity:
The reciprocal awareness implies the empathetic understanding of each other; mutually reinforce with each other. Reciprocal communication is an important part of building trust and collaborating to either generate fresh ideas or implement them smoothly. Highly collaborative organizations develop complementary teams in which every team member can learn from each other, listening and telling; giving and receiving, building reciprocal relationships to accelerate performance.

Innovation management has a high failure rate. Reciprocity works because of shared goals, which create less stress on the relationship. Reciprocal relationships between people or between teams are important to push the same button or pull in the same direction to catalyze innovation. In practice, building a creative environment with trustful relationships means that people take responsibility for failures, be inclusive, and focus on learning and experimenting better ways to do things.

Innovation is not serendipity, in a basic view, innovation is a process; different types of innovation should be managed via tailored management processes. Organizations need to move the needle of diversification, bring in fresh ideas and new perspectives to break down idea bottlenecks, bridge innovation gaps, accelerate changes, and build a better future together, to reach the next level of business growth.


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