Monday, October 3, 2022


Isn't it a tough journey to - celebrate 9800 blog postings to -pursue the digital way of brainstorming, innovating, and story-telling?

As the world involves-

having the right dose of -

creative tension,

interdisciplinary paradox to -

spark innovation.

How can we -

think big and small,

at the same time;

as big as -

our gigantic universe;

everything and everyone is-

part of -

such a hyperconnected,

interdependent system;

as small as a blue dot -

with concentration,

to solve critical issues,

overcome common challenges,

with focus…

How can we -

feel young and old,

at the same time?

be youthful in your heart,

keep creative energy-

flowing around, freshly;

be mature in your mind,

getting older, but not aged,

shape a growth mindset with -

ancient wisdom,


How can we be -

confident and humble,

at the same time?

Being confident means-

the right dose of ego,

positive mental attitude;

believe in yourself;

focus on strengths,



be humble to-

empty your mind,

listen to -

diverse viewpoints,

learn surroundings,

fresh knowledge,


How can we -

speak out and keep quiet,

at the same time?

voice up, speak out,


provide feedback,


spend more time on

pondering deep;

nourish creativity,

in solitude;

improve focus,

through science,


How can we be -

brave and cautious,

smart and foolish,

analytical and intuitive,

deep and broad,

at the same time?

How can we move towards-

a state of ebullience,

work more with and less,

against human nature,

be a disciplinarian,

but ruleless,

at the same time?

What we've done is to raise -

consciousness of balance,

expand cognitive threshold,

and that, in and of itself,

makes a world of difference,

to shape an invaluable innovator,



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