Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Architecture is about the “Whole Thing”

Architecture is a playground in which- you structure, design, and perform.

Architecture blueprint the “Big Picture”-
with coherence and interdependence;
their vision can not be realized;
their design cannot be built;
their planning cannot be implemented.
Architecture is about the "whole thing."

If the world is full of musical notes -
Architecture is an instrument to create tones;

if actions or behaviors are brush strokes-
 architecture is the canvas to develop a big picture.

If the business is a ship running in the tumultuous sea,
Architecture can navigate it through the uncharted water...

If the human body is a system-
Then, architecture is like our conscious mind-
keep it functioning; ask why-
"who am I," and discover its purpose.

Architects can-

“read the ripple on the surface of the water”;

focus on “why & what “;

their purpose is to-

achieve the goals for the things being architected.

Make sure everything works as a “system”-

fit for the purpose.

Architecture is about the "whole thing."

Architecture embodies-

the quality of human thoughts;

blend art and science, philosophy, and anthropology;

bring up multidisciplinary perspectives-





Social science…

Make sure all of the elements necessary for-

all outcomes are present.

Architecture embraces-

management models, methods, and theories;


hard & soft science cohesively;

decomposes complexity;

bridges silo.

It’s a playground in which-

you structure, design, and perform.

Architecture is about the "whole thing."


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