Sunday, August 2, 2020

Information is Hot and Spicy

The quality of intelligence depends on - the quality of information.

We live in the digital era with information exponentiality.

Data is raw, information is contextual;

Data is physical, information is mental.

The quality of intelligence depends on the

quality of information.

Information is tricky-

the more we have, the less we trust;

the more we collect, the more work we have to finish -

processing, refining, verifying, storing, publishing…

Information is the means to the end.

Information Management has to incorporate both means and end.

Information is paradoxical -

small as bit & bytes, but large as river & ocean.

old as life itself, but new as fresh air.

high as a flying cloud, low as the fountain spring.

Information is intensive-

it's the most critical piece of innovation puzzle;

it’s the foundation of business intelligence;

it can be synchronized, amplified to create business synergy.

Information is hot-

everyone needs it, everybody creates some;

but no one has it all.

The brain is hardware,

the mind is software,

information is shareware.

Information is shapeless-

permeating everywhere,

circulating seamlessly and

flows smoothly into the digital ecosystem in a non-stop way

Information is colorless-

but it can create the most beautiful digital art,

and weave a colorful modern world.

Information is weightless-

but it’s the most invaluable asset of the business,

and the most powerful tool to create a digital algorithm.

Information is serendipitous-

invisible, but powerful-
tasteless, but full of flavor,
to capture hindsight, form insight, and generate foresight

Information is overwhelming-

Without training, you might get confused in decision-making, or

drown in the digital sea. 

Good information fix problems, bad information creat problems;

are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

Information is spicy-

connect wider dots to wire up the imagination,

and trigger unique thoughts to spur creativity.

Information is hot and spicy-
ensure it is flowing toward the right people to solve the right problems timely.


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