Sunday, August 23, 2020

Character is an “Innate Thing”

Trials and suffering- does not build character as much as it exposes- one's character for- who they really are. Character is - the backbone of- mental toughness, professional fitness.

Character is human's blueprint,

like the seed-

with the uniqueness,

and color theme.

Character is the mirror of -

your soul,




and an innate self.

Trials and suffering-

does not build character

as much as it exposes-

one's character for-

who they really are.

Character is -

the backbone of-

mental toughness.

professional fitness.

Character is from-

the heart and spirit;

skill is from -

the mind and ego.

Character sustains leaders about-

who they really are;

Skill helps to build up capability.

Character is more about the future-

the strong will to -

achieve the “art of possible”;

skill is about today -

to survive with technique “know-how.”

If skills are building blocks,

Character is like the silver lining-

gluing them into solid capabilities

and strong discipline;

Character enforces competency,

Competency strengthens character.

Character instructs behavior;

Behavior reveals character.

Character is not Charisma;

Character is a substance,

Charisma is a style.

Character is an innate thing,

with a unique personal touch.

Character is a life-long journey;

skill is stage-lasting performance.

Being a good judge of character-

that's where the real skill gets tested,

the value gets rooted,

the performance gets achieved.

Character is neither stubbornness

nor inflexibility...

Character means many things,

which is inbuilt-

the individual's






and dynamism;

with the combination of-



and integrity.

Character is an innate thing,

but can be strengthened.

Understanding character is-

very relevant and timely to -

overcome mediocrity,

seeking a unique path to-

maximize potential.


Character, like yeast-

lifts up the team spirit,

shapes up a strong community

builds up a progressive society.