Monday, January 18, 2021


 To lead more effectively, business leaders must shift their mindset to get digital ready. They must accelerate their thinking to solve over-complex business problems and target the goals with growth. 

Due to the scarcity of information and static settings in the industrial age, many people are used to living in their “comfort zone” with a static mindset based on a very limited thinking box they shaped quite a long time ago. However, with high velocity and abundant knowledge, forward-looking individuals and companies need to reinvent themselves to improve their core competencies and drive transformative change. Successful companies can rejuvenate a high performance culture through psychological footprint and behavioral DNA, catalyze innovation and make significant influence.

Instill common vision, purpose, passion, and a sense of urgency to act: The range of emerging digital technologies fosters a deeper sense of vision and connections to changes. Change starts with a "sense of urgency" which can only come from top management. Forethoughtful leaders are able to clarify vision, instill purpose, provide clear directions, deprogram old mindsets, let go of “the voices from the past,” stand by their word and motivate, reprogram people's minds with new thinking, attitudes; and establish a new digital blueprint for how you want to create the future collaboratively. Vision is crucial to sustaining passion, passion enables determination and creativity. In fact, passion aligned with strategy, focus, capabilities, talent, and meaningful work is a destination for both individuals and businesses.

The "fundamental reason for being" is the purpose of the organization. If the vision isn't connected to the purpose, people will lack direction, lack enthusiasm, lack passion. Vision guides us through, passion lifts us up. Following the passion requires a good sense of judgment that you are on a right path to the vision you set and the goals you set. Everyone needs to believe in these goals and agree that they are worthwhile. Passion following a good positive chain of thoughts followed by positive actions often brings good results.

Shift, mold, and reframe old paradigms into new ones: With rapid change, the world or the business ecosystem are converting from the mechanistic paradigm to the systems paradigm that requires starting with new system oriented beliefs and thought processes. Those who look through the lens of the previous era see their own reality very differently from those who use the lens that the new era has crafted. The organizations that have hit the heights of success in the digital world aren’t those that have determinedly followed the old models and “we always do things like that” mentality, but the ones that can shift, mold, and reframe old paradigms into new ones.

The digital world is multidimensional and physically, chemically, biologically, cognologically, linguistically, technologically evolving. These dimensions interact and mutually influence each other expressing that interaction as an emergence of a new worldview very different from the previous era - the era of the industrial society. Thus, predicting and shaping human behavior is hard and there are always going to be errors so expectation setting is of paramount importance. The systematic views of the world are more balanced and it is sensitive to the emergent factors, improve communication, collaboration, cooperation, and accelerate digital paradigm shift.

Mold leaders with advanced mindset and exemplary behavior: To lead more effectively, business leaders must shift their mindset to get digital ready. They must accelerate their thinking to solve over-complex business problems and target the goals with growth. Digital leaders today must apply multidimensional thinking either to make fair judgments or sound decisions. They should also leverage collective mindsets to brainstorm new ideas or co-develop knowledge; develop the digital pipeline for leadership development and talent management, leverage the latest digital tools and platforms for idea generation, updating their management practices, with the goal to improve business performance and unleash collective potential.

Culture is a display of collective behavior. It is influenced and shaped by the interaction between employees, management, and their environment. Not only should business leaders exemplify behavior, but also should they transmit energy to the variety of people, giving them a new sense of confidence and purpose in achieving a well-framed vision with positive perspectives. The result is a set of norms and values that determine how people will behave and relate to one another in a particular setting.

The business world we live in is in the digital paradigm shift, the change from a “multinational” organization that adapts the operations of each country or regional unit for local needs to a seamless “global” firm with standardized and horizontally integrated technologies and processes. The biggest challenge with any large-scale transformation program is – do the senior leaders truly understand the time and impact on the organization, can they make significant influence; -do people genuinely look within their own hearts and minds to learn about the barriers, and be able to overcome them to make a leap, collaboratively, can they achieve high performance result effortlessly.


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