Sunday, January 24, 2021


Good decision makers are also good “informant”-information is created when decision-makers frame problems or more exactly when they discover problem structures

The World now becomes more advanced, complex, hyperconnected, and interdependent, with exponential growth of information. In fact, information is one of the most invaluable assets and the time intensive piece of innovation in contemporary organizations. 

The challenge for digital leaders and professionals is whether they can provide quality information, how to discern information they trust from information overflow, discover how and where to find valuable information, not just the information being fed. So they can become the true information master-“informant” or “informationer” to provide and use information skillfully.

Avoid being drowned, but proactively learn how to swim in the information sea: Information is the lifeblood, the words like "information" or "data" have a variety of meanings such as colloquial, professional and technical. It's difficult to draw correct insights from data due to too many variables being involved. Information management involves being part of a process of trial and error. Keep in mind though, everything has two sides, data itself is not necessarily fun, drawbacks include that more data can end up in “getting drawn in the data sea.” Data is invaluable, however, people are still the master of leveraging efficient tools to refine information into knowledge or capture unique perspectives of things or problems.

We live in the world with abundant information, but scarce insight. Do not get saturated with information, but be obsessed with learning, insight, and innovation. While information is an ingredient of knowledge; in order to interpret information; you need knowledge and critical insight for understanding the cause and effect of complex problems, and digging beneath the surface to discover the root causes and coming up with better solutions. Digital leaders and professionals today need to learn how to swim in the digital sea skillfully, be relentless learners, insightful informants, persuasive communicators, knowledge experts or leadership influencers.

Information-savvy people can lead to more persuasive and evidence-based communication: Information based communication is not only about telling the “facts," but also about clarifying the business impact of those facts that ensure people engagement and improves decision maturity. Keep in mind though, everything has two sides, data itself is not necessarily fun, drawbacks include that more data can end up in a "can't see the wood for the trees" problem. To predict and respond to the emergent business properties and make data more “visible” for shareholders, embed information into the multiple business domains within the enterprise and their business partners for communication, decisions, and promotions. The matter of fact is that information-savvy people can lead to more persuasive and evidence-based communication.

The power of digital insight is to foster communication. How to make effective communication much depends on the individual, the enterprise, and the corporate culture. An information-savvy mind can lead to more persuasive and evidence-based communication. Information based communication is not only about telling the “facts," but also about clarifying the impact of those facts that ensures people engagement and improves decision maturity. The great communicators know why to communicate, and they can communicate objectively with quality information, strong logic, clarity, enabling fact based communication to tailor different audiences for driving wanted changes.

Information based decision-making can fill out blind spots and bridge knowledge gaps:
For decision-making to be effective, the decision-maker must have relevant, quality information, and enough knowledge to make their decisions rich in information and significantly different from the available data. The principle is to have the right dose of quality and secure data, turn data into information into knowledge, insight, and wisdom to improve decision effectiveness. Time is a critical factor in decision-making scenarios, as you can’t afford to defer critical decisions until such time that all facts and information are available. Timing is always important to leverage the right information for making effective decisions by the right people at the different layers of organizational hierarchy.

Good decision makers are also good “informant”-information is created when decision-makers frame problems or more exactly when they discover problem structures. All the rest of the time, they generate only either new/redundant data and/or knowledge updates; they have to live with the consequences of making the wrong decisions faster! Effective information is provided by decision-makers, in the knowledge or expertise which they bring to bear on the problem.

We are living in a “VUCA” complex world in which inventions, developments, and conflicts are continuously changing and that makes it impossible to have complete knowledge and understanding of many complex issues today. Information is good mine all forward looking individuals or companies need to dig into for improving communication, decision, and problem-solving effectiveness.


The standard font for a double-spaced essay is 12 point, although many teachers recommend the Times New Roman or Arial font. This font is easily read, and the spacing is clear. It should be used for academic or business purposes, since it helps Essay Map understand the ideas presented in the essay.

If you want to add more space, you can use the Modify drop-down menu in Microsoft Word to select the double-spacing button. After clicking the button, you will see a series of options for the line and paragraph spacing. Choosing the correct spacing will help you focus on your writing and it can save you time in the long run.

In today's advanced and interconnected world, information has become
a crucial asset, especially for decision-makers. As they face the challenge of navigating through an overwhelming amount of data, digital leaders and professionals must strive to provide high-quality information. It is essential to distinguish trustworthy information from the information overflow. To excel in this role as an "informant" or "informationer," they need to develop skills in finding valuable information. In this case, you can rely on best writing service that helps to form information into pieces of art.

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