Saturday, January 9, 2021


The appropriately configured innovation platform creates a scalable means for sharing and building ideas throughout the enterprise. As a result, innovation becomes a persistent, shared reality

The book “12 CIO Personas: The Digital CIO’s Situational Leadership Practices” is the extensive brainstorming and logical content expansion of my book “CIO Master: Unleash the Digital Potential of IT,” to reimagine and reinvent CIO leadership via practicing multitudes of digital influence.

 The important thing is that CIOs as the top leadership role must have a strong mindset, a unique personality, and a clear idea of what needs to be done, yet creative enough to not hold the company back from growth. Regardless of which personality they have, digital CIOs need to be both transformational and situational, innovative and tactical, business savvy and technology insightful, communication-effective and operation-efficient. 



Idea-management In today's digital business environment, information is the lifeblood, and technology touches every phase of the business, the CIO must be totally involved and participate in every decision of upper management and be proactive so there are no surprises when decisions are made. Statistically, the firms that have the CIO sitting with the board or management committee are getting things done faster and become cost-effective in the long run. Ensuring a high-performing, high-reliable and high-proactive IT is the key success factor in organizational digital transformation. Proposing new technologies would be the final touch. A good relationship between Business and IT becomes visible by clearly defining tasks, authorities, and responsibilities. What are the real challenges of a CIO to build a high-performing IT? Or to brainstorming, how to run a proactive digital IT?

Information Interconnectivity - Integration? The digital era upon us is full of uncertainty, velocity, complexity, and ambiguity. Organizations today are at the crossroads in which the segregation or silo of business units are at a need to reach across the aisles and respectively work cross boxes instead within the box. They are permeating a cross-ecosystem which is dynamic, continuous, and interactive. To deal with "VUCA" new normal, the digital transformation is a strategic imperative that enables businesses of all shapes and sizes to reinvent themselves. But it is a long journey of pursuing management holism, innovation adventurism, and digital modernism based on information interconnectivity, integrity and maturity.

Innovation Digital is the age of co-creation. Communication is the mechanism that we use to think and learn - without others to communicate with, learning doesn't happen. When we think alone, we are using internalized speech and thus talking to ourselves. When we communicate with others, we are talking to each other to shape our ideas around problem-solving. However, there are no one-size-fits-all communication styles. In some, talking will be important - and talking at the right time in the process. In others, visuals might be more important. In some language, in some symbols, in some silence; in some solitude in other crowds. To dig through, why is communication crucial to idea development, and how to leverage communication by harnessing innovation?

Innovation-Integration- Implementation The characteristics of digital transformation are high velocity, hyper-connectivity, hyper-complexity, and interdependence. The organizations are like the switch connected to the dynamic ecosystem which is controlled by both internal and external factors. To speed up change and spark creativity, the digital business life cycle could be viewed as resulting in emergent means of shaping a vision reflecting the objectives and soul of the company, participation, adaptability, innovation, and people-centricity.

Innovative-Idealization-Implementation At the dawn of the digital era, the workforce today is hyper-connected and diverse in many ways, sharing a natural affinity for new perspectives, fresh ideas, and collective insight. The original germ of a creative idea often, if not always, arrives at the interaction of ideas from different domains of thought and experience, or information without boundary. For cracking serendipity code of idealization & implementations and achieving innovation premium, organizations should build a healthy working environment to encourage idea brainstorming, knowledge sharing, leverage effective information/knowledge/process management, clarify the following key issues, and take the scientific approach to innovation management.

Modern organizations have their own sophistication with silo functions, the sea of information, and the pool of talent. The CIO is an inherently cross-functional role, to bridge the business and IT; the data and insight, the business’s today and tomorrow. The digital CIOs have to wear different personas and master multiple leadership and management roles effortlessly. They need to lead at the strategic level for conducting a complex digital orchestra; they should be handy managers to plumbing information and keep it flow smoothly; they also have to be like diligent gardeners, to build a unique IT landscape via tuning technology, removing waste, nurturing culture, and empowering people.


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