Friday, January 29, 2021

Learning Logic

Either individually or collectively, applying learning logic to gain fresh knowledge and capture business insight differentiates high potential from mediocre.

We live in the information and knowledge economy, today’s digital professionals are hard workers, knowledge workers, and creative workers, continuous learning is not only a job requirement but also a great habit to keep our mind fresh and develop professional competencies. 

 From the corporate management perspective, a learning strategy is the organization's competitive learning "logic" manifested through organizational cultures and actions. It’s critical to build a culture to encourage learning, creativity, and align the employees' professional goals with the strategic business goals of the organization.

Make logical choices to select and gain knowledge: With fast pace of changes and frequent disruptions, digital leaders and professionals need to continue learning, as knowledge is power, the knowledge you logically select becomes "part" of you. The logic behind learning is to gather the details around the subject under scrutiny and then and only then, can you be selective. Keep in mind, knowledge is not equal to insight. Critical thinking and independent thinking are always important to gain insight from static knowledge. Each person has a different level of knowledge, with their own consciousness about a problem, uncovers the hidden logic, and reacts to environmental changes with behaviors that are logically linked to the information they have, knowledge they are equipped with, but most importantly, the insight they capture.

Knowledge is power; digital professionals with a growth mindset learn from different channels, and transcend information to their own knowledge logically and enforce their learning cycle via learning-thinking-asking-understanding- sharing-collaborating-creating new knowledge. By accumulating useful knowledge, people gain the “incremental consciousness” about their own potential, as well as how to develop their core competencies. They continuously seek new challenges, solicit direct feedback, self-motivated and get work done resourcefully.

Digital learning logic is nonlinear, and there's a complementary relationship between employee learning and organizational learning: Digital learning is multidimensional, dynamic, flexible, interactive, informal and integrated. Developing people capability and systems capability raise different "learning" issues. There is a distinction between employee learning and organizational learning. Employee learning does not translate automatically into organizational systems learning. But one employee who learns can indeed influence the organization if the processes and structures are established for that learning to be assimilated into the organization. And collectively, building a culture of learning will significantly improve the organizational competency and maturity.

The division between 'working' and 'learning' is replaced by combining and integrating 'working, thinking and learning.” There are different styles of digital learning, “adaptive learning” must be joined by “generative learning,” to enhance “our capacity to create.” The digital tools and apps make learning informal, but more cost-effective and interactive. High organizational learning relates to high response in recognizing and addressing system constraints. In doing so, it may evolve and that evolution may apparently be termed as learning. Collective learning agility improves the productivity, innovation, effectiveness, and many other attributes of the business.

Ask logical questions and gain “lessons learned” from failures: with risk and uncertainty comes a statistical probability of failure, eventually you will have a failure if you are in the business. You can only learn and fail better only if you learn from the failures. And then failing is something that prompts you to move ahead. There are always logical questions to ask, among others when a failure is detected, such as: Can you turn this into a success, and could you have detected the problem sooner? Re-introduce the past in a logical way and build the bridge to effectively connect lesson-learned from the past to the future performance and potential.

We should be learning all the time as we go, on successes just as much as on failures. The amount we learn is probably closely related to the amount of risk we take, failure or otherwise. We might go through a whole series of failures until we find one success. It involves logical reasoning and takes a balancing act to have enough failure and an environment that encourages learning from failure quickly and cheaply, without having failures that are too frequent or too expensive. Errors or failures can then be seen as opportunities and drivers for learning and improvement - and not reasons to blame and punish.

Humans as a species have already developed so much that mere survival is the shadow perception of the world. Knowledge is more intangible, complex and dynamic compared to the physical asset. Either individually or collectively, applying learning logic to gain fresh knowledge and capture business insight differentiates high potential from mediocre; at the organizational level, learning agility directly impacts on the top line organizational growth and the strategic competency of the business.


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