Monday, February 8, 2021


The multitude of digital awareness helps business leaders and professionals become more authentic, gain contextual understanding of the problem, take initiatives to adapt to changes and make a seamless digital transformation.

The enterprise consists of an amalgam of socio-systems, techno-systems, bio-systems, and econo-systems. The organizational leaders and professionals today need to gain the multitude of “digital awareness,” be aware of their own strength and weakness, understand that real-world development is multifaceted, be able to look ahead, identify the certain trends in their industry and potential risks. As lack of awareness will cause egotism, ignore knowledge limitation, too much gut feeling, which further leads to misjudgment and ineffective problem-solving.

Conscious awareness: Most people either operate on the unconscious or subconscious level with only a few functioning consciously. A mind with self-awareness can practice reflective thinking to get a deeper understanding of themselves. Know who you are, how you react and respond in different situations, as well as your own style of influence affect how you respond and interact with not only your team but also your surroundings. It can help you improve cognitive, relational and assertive actions you take on a day to day basis.

In fact, creativity is born from conscious awareness and its complexity is given by the level of consciousness that is reached. Self-awareness provides clarity, versatility, gives you directional opportunities for personal growth and helps you avoid personal deception. Self awareness and a desire for constant self improvement with a clear vision, allows you to leverage that knowledge to increase the influential outreach for the betterment and helps you build on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.

Contextual awareness: The business system is complex and the organization is contextual, contextual awareness is about collecting information about the environment and gaining contextual understanding of the problem in order to come up with premium solutions. Without the contextual understanding of people, process, and technology, the blind spots and gaps are inevitable in problem-solving. Gaining the contextual awareness and “seeing'' the context you are 'part” of, allows you to identify the leverage points of the system and then choose the decisive factors, in an attempt to solve problems structurally.

In reality, many of today’s business problems are complex, the realization only comes when the problem is perceived. Business leaders and professionals should have comprehensive digital awareness with the first step to understand thorny issues and gain full awareness of both opportunities and risks. Knowledge is no doubt important but more than that, is complete awareness of what is happening in the context. Because trying to fix the wrong cause of a problem will waste time and resources, increase anxiety, and even generate more problems later on.

Reciprocating awareness: The reciprocal awareness implies the empathetic understanding each other of two parties, and reciprocating relationship describes a situation in which two parties promote each other in order to gain a mutual benefit. So, you have to both listen and tell. It is important to listen to what other parties say. If you do not listen, you will never get the two sides of the story. It’s also important to gain quality feedback for making improvements. For example, businesses need to have reciprocal awareness of customers. Listen to their feedback, involve them in both idea generation and process implementation, to gain insight and empathy.

Inquisitiveness improves reciprocal awareness. Asking questions is crucial to learning for everyone involved. Asking questions, besides telling, is an important tool to improve reciprocating awareness, practice reciprocal management and make a positive change. Building the reciprocal relationship between business and customers can take different propositions and approaches to a problem or a new interpretation. To drive customer centric innovation, customers should always be involved, it is not a question of whether the customer is right or not, it is more of whether you are truly and proactively listening to their needs and gaining a deep understanding of the motivational construct of the customer through empathy, in order to solve their problems creatively.

In today's ever-changing business dynamic, the beauty of the newly established digital landscape is the fresh insight and a holistic view of the business ecosystem. The multitude of digital awareness helps business leaders and professionals become more authentic, gain contextual understanding of the problem, take initiatives to adapt to changes and make a seamless digital transformation.


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