Thursday, February 25, 2021


Nowadays people are complex, businesses are complex, and ecosystems are complex. organizations``become complex," as an evolutionary trend, not for their own amusement, but to respond to environments proactively. In fact, running a high mature business is not to complicate things, but to keep optimizing.

 Logically, simplifying the complicated things, either business process or methodologies is an optimal and smart choice to make business progress. Simplicity is an aspect of “appropriate,” it has multiple ingredients and has a multitude of perspectives.

Clarity: When problems or organizations become overly complex, people get frustrated by not being able to achieve their tasks easily. They start to clarify issues, search for simpler concepts, methods, or practices to improve effectiveness. To get “just right" simplicity, you would have to address the complexities of the subject matter and have the minimum required complexity to enforce clarity.

The opposite of clarity is confusion. Individually, confusion happens when we are not able to properly interpret the inputs we receive from the environment. Confusion consists of many ingredients such as lack of awareness, lack of clarity in expression, ego, a lack of clear and orderly thought and behaviour. At the organizational setting, when the triggering events become overwhelming and are difficult to comprehend, it leads to confusion. It takes wisdom to clear up the confusion in order to articulate the circumstances, clarify the situation, make fair judgement and “keep things as simple as possible.”

Abstraction: Abstraction enables agreement, adapts and improves the organization in the future by abstracting major concerns such as customer satisfaction, business partner relationship analysis, cost estimations as well as those key elements which can be applied to give a holistic picture of what is working or not in order to allocate capital and resources scientifically and reach the "future statement" in a stepwise manner effortlessly.

To simplify and optimize business, abstraction and agreement is the way forward, not elaboration and disagreement. The problem is that many business people are practical, pragmatic, process-driven or results-focused, and they have difficulty in understanding abstract discussions or strategic perspective. From a management perspective, depending on complexity, you can adjust the level of abstraction by applying inductive through deductive logic, talk at a higher, conceptual or more abstract level about what the business can or wants to be able to do, enforce strategic level communication and abstract insight to reach agreement and get work done more effectively.

Elegance: Due to high business velocity, it’s critical to meet the business’s needs timely, eliminate delayed or missed business opportunities and solutions. Not every complexity is bad, the management needs to encourage desired complexity and eliminate unnecessary complexity to make things elegant. The structural elegance of digital organization enforces self-adaptation, self-management, and self-renewal.

From a problem solving perspective, it is a good experimentation to design a product, service or business system with both effectiveness and elegance. Businesses need to gain an in-depth understanding of the problems and understanding the possible means to problems as well. Both of these require some imagination and a disciplined imagination which brings the potential solutions to bear on the problem in a novel, elegant and improved ways.

Intuition: Good product/service design is natural, intuitive, and prioritized in making things likable vs. just making them functioning. The forward-thinking leaders understand how things such as design thinking and simplicity, etc, can fundamentally change organizations, build reputation and make their societal impact. First, by demonstrating quick wins on delivering intuitive products and services, and then, on things such as strategy, manageability, sustainability, and social responsibility. .

Digital is the age of customers, enforcing Intuition + Evidence-Based design. Hide the complexity of IT/technology, what is left visible to the customer should be simple, intuitive, secure, reliable, predictable and easy to use. fluently mix the art and science in trying new technologies, to innovate the products or services and delight customers via intuitive interfaces and “easy to use” features.

The best way for IT/technology to help win customers’ hearts is to make the most of IT/technology "invisible" to the customer. Chat with business executives and customers to know their pains and gains and understand their tastes as well as current and future needs for sparking innovative ideas and championing intuitive business solutions. catalyzes information flow and drives business changes in a proactive mode by making continuous delivery of customer-tailored intuitive products/services/ solutions.

Familiarity: A good User Interface design follows simplicity principle, hide complexity, what is left visible to the customer should be simple, familiar, easy to use, secure, reliable and predictable, hone the design tools to better address the challenges (business, social, political, etc) that people face in their everyday lives in more meaningful ways. Prioritized in making things likable vs. just making them functioning. It requires not just things to work but be delightful and innovative to improve people’s productivity and engagement. That is a critical aspect of our future and a significantly underutilized competitive advantage.

The design-mature teams or organizations work collaboratively and competitively in making things likable and deliver them continually. Familiarity increases user adoption rate. UX is at the frontline to bridge industrial functioning, productivity with digital delight. External simplicity is directly proportional to internal complexity. Design review is necessary to ensure the things are on the right track of on-value and on-time deliveries. The strategic objective of User Experience (UX) design is to understand what your customers need and to help the business orient itself towards those needs in pursuit of its objectives.

Take a close look at simplicity from different management lenses and gain an in- depth Understanding of various ingredients in it. Simplicity is related to so many wanted digital business qualities such as robustness, availability, responsiveness, reliability, or manageability. it means less structure, fewer rules or regulations, changeability, and high maturity.


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