Different cultures may have different thought patterns as our thinking is indeed shaped by our environment and our experiences,
Culture is defined as "the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another." Culture is collective mindset, attitude, and behavior. Culture of an organization or our society remains a fingerprint and an identity of the entity. It’s a crucial element for lifting the organization and our society to the next level of advancement and prosperity.
Thus, innovative culturists are in demand to deepen understanding of organizational culture, national culture or global culture, build cultural competency, refine cultural quintessential, amplify positive cultural effect, and fine tune the “invisible” cultural thing to get digital ready.
Cultural cognition: Because culture is determined by behaviors - how do we act or react to everything at all times. It is a reflection of the collective mindset and expression of collective attitude, so we have to reflect and examine our own thoughts, beliefs, and actions, to improve cultural cognition. Hyper-diversity is one of the very characteristics of organization, so cultural cognition involves exploring varieties of meanings or thoughts in different culture settings, abandoning old connections, and establishing new relations to connect culture dots and spark innovative thoughts and ideas.
Cognitive abilities are multifaceted, all of us have a creative/artistic side while also have a curious/scientific side. Enhancing our description of the world and ourselves within it is cognition and differs from ordinary, usually habitual thoughts. Culture cognitive processes can be analyzed from different perspectives within different contexts. Digital leaders and professionals with cultural cognition have empathy, deeply understand people, their viewpoints, motivation and priority, create bonds with respect and trust, get anyone they work with energized and involved.
Cultural competency: Culture is about how people do things in their organization. It is certainly part of the environment in which an organization operates, among other considerations. Culture stands as a key factor not only in attaining organizational goals but also in the attraction and retention of desirable employees. It is an indicator of the organization’s capability to achieve results in competency parameters. Digital leaders and professionals with cultural competency are more adaptable and flexible, demonstrate their commitment to the vision and value on a daily basis, they are fit for driving progressive culture change.
Culture is a soft asset, but also a tough element which can harden the hardest. Digital culture as collective minds and attitudes have to continue to move forward, not backward. Innovative culturists are in demand to enforce effective workforce management, focusing on culture-shaping as well as attraction, engagement, and performance alignment. Competency could be learned. Digital leaders and professionals with cultural competency support a cultural change through the change lifecycle which enables everyone, whoever they are in the organizational hierarchy, wherever they are in that cycle, to accept the direction of the journey and focus on benefits realization and building long term business advantages.
Culture Intelligence: Cultural behavior is the end product of collected wisdom, filtered and passed down through many generations as shared beliefs, values, assumptions, and persistent action patterns. To capture the spirit of culture, digital leaders and professionals need to uplift from culture-awareness to cultural intelligence, also being called as cultural agility - the ability to effectively navigate, communicate, interrelate and function well in diverse cultural settings. Different cultures may have different thought patterns as our thinking is indeed shaped by our environment and our experiences. Cultural intelligence is a sort of cognizance with nonlinear thought processes to perceive, explore, and interpret cultural things in multiple ways, absorb cultural quintessential and eliminate outdated concepts or traditions.
It is the policies, procedures, rewards, and retributions that drive behavior and it is the employee attitude and behavior that expresses “culture.” Culture can be changed because knowledge keeps updated, and the societal progress is accelerated. Innovative culturists help to design and shape high performance culture, the members of an organization reflect its culture, so select team members who are nature fit. Not just recognize culture, but transcend the culture for making positive influence and human progress.
Innovative culturists understand that we all have different lenses - perceptions in the way we look at the world, it becomes easier to open our heart and mind to nurture creativity. They perhaps look “misfit,” but in fact, the innovative workforce to stimulate creativity, develop and learn more rapidly than anyone else. Modern leaders with cultural intelligence can lead their own organization to the global scope and make a significant impact on human society as a whole.
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