Friday, August 6, 2021


A flexible style means creativity over status quo; open vs. closed; engagement over command & control.

Flexibility means the alternative way to think or do things. One of the biggest challenges in this complex digital world is the fact that we need different perspectives, different knowledge and different ways to solve a problem. Dynamic and changing cannot operate with inflexible minds and unchanging people.

A flexible mind loves choices, enjoys making differences: People with a flexible mind feel comfortable to be unique and innovative, and welcome the diversity of thoughts as a fountain of creativity. A flexible mind is more positive to face changes, or even failures. A flexible mind answers the quiz either in business or life with multiple choices of answers, not single pick “yes or no.” It is optimal thinking to handle today’s complexity and continuous changes. People with flexibility can work as a team more seamlessly, enjoy choices and diversity. Such a team or working environment encourages collaborative thinking, develops adaptability to create mutual interest communities, identifies common, yet flexible processes that focus on outcomes without micromanagement.

Flexibility and freedom are based on well-defined principles:
You have flexibility to cross the street anytime, but you can do it only when the traffic light permits you to do so. Here is another analogy of flexibility- It's much like learning to play an instrument before you can solo. You may have the flexibility or freedom with how you play the instrument, but it always needs to be within the context of where you are at, an orchestra or a jazz band, playing the same instrument with different styles and context.

Flexibility means less overly rigid processes, well-known practices, or “right vs. wrong” polarity: The borders between functions, industries, or geographies are blurred. We all bring different perspectives and our boundaries could change based on open dialogues, learning agility, and flexible approach to problem-solving. From a problem-solving perspective, there is different knowledge and different ways to solve many existing and emerging business problems. And there is no need to look at the issue in a reactive mode as a ‘problem,’ but it would be desirable to look at it proactively. Be flexible to explore alternative ways to solve problems. It’s important to integrate interdisciplinary knowledge, different perspectives, and simply explore different ways to solve problems, and test every assumption.

Flexibility is one of the great traits displayed with the zigzag pattern. Sometimes there is no "one" answer, there are some or many. A flexible style means creativity over status quo; open vs. closed; engagement over command & control. Being flexible to change is the unique competency for either digital professionals or the organization as the whole.


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