Sunday, August 29, 2021


Surviving and thriving upon exponential growth of information, fierce competitions, and continuous disruptions requires neutrality, flexibility, interdisciplinarity and innovativeness.

We live in a world with information exponentiality and hyper-complexity. It’s important for business leaders and professionals today to observe deeper, practice independent thinking, be neutral-not to take the side too fast, break through conventional thinking box, shape unique point of view, help the business or society to define a robust and rigorous set of needs and solve many complex problems innovatively.

Impartial: People often like others who are similar to them - look the same or think the same. We all have unconscious biases, believe it or not. There are a multitude of gaps in decision-making. Learning to be impartial means adjective neutral, unbiased, to be fair and less judgmental. The best we can do for bringing up an impartial perspective is to be consciously aware that we all have personal filters, and information could be filtered via the subjective standard. So we need to have strong intention to fix the misperception by embracing diverse viewpoints and exploring different ways to do things

Cognitively, perception is sometimes a false reality; being impartial means to gain an impartial perspective by exploring the multitude of thought processes; willing to listen to diverse viewpoints; be insightful to understand people from different angles and be inclusive to appreciate different points of view to solve problems effectively.

Objective: Being objective is of or relating to something that can be known, as we all have certain learning ability to know things, especially somethings that we are interested in. Keep in mind, knowledge is neutral and can be used for good and become beautiful, or it can be used to harm others and become ugly. The most important capability of cognitive mind is the willingness and ability to practice critical thinking, start with a mentally neutral position; no biases or emotional quandary; seek out relevant knowledge, gain an in-depth understanding, and address our ignorance and the assumptions we make to minimize it.

We are social beings with individual histories built upon both our own experiences and the life stories of those around us. For most of the time, we live in our own zone with subjective perception. The relative objectivity is a continual process in which we skirt the edge of what is possible. Thus, being objective implies we would like to continue to learn, update knowledge, and collect feedback which can help to uncover one’s biases. We need to be surrounded with people having cognitive differences, they can provide honest, friendly and worthy feedback, particularly in a decision process.

Balance: We live in a world with a mix of physical and virtual, order and chao, freedom and discipline, opportunity and risk, fear and favor, etc. A balanced viewpoint is crucial to overcome extreme thinking or action; it’s important to understand that professional or business development is multifaceted and dynamic nowadays. Cognitive balance can be achieved through paradoxical thinking and multidimensional thinking processes. Emotional balance enables us to unbiased observe, dispassionately analyze, and informatively decide.

What is needed now are lots more independent hybrid talents to neutralize differences, bridge gaps, balance the seemingly opposite forces such as individualism and collectivism, process and innovation, stability and dynamism, confidence and humility, logic and intuition, personalization and standardization, etc to create the paradigm shift.

Surviving and thriving upon exponential growth of information, fierce competitions, and continuous disruptions requires neutrality, flexibility, interdisciplinarity and innovativeness. Be open minded with a humble attitude, respect our differences, and become inclusive to spur creativity and co-solve the variety of problems holistically.


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