Sunday, August 8, 2021


Being persuasive is an important professional quality based on vision to guide, courage to influence, knowledge to understand, confidence to assert, wisdom to negotiate, uniqueness to bridge...

Persuasion is the action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something. Persuasion is related to the form of reasoning - the form of selectivity in the presentation of information to shape other people’s viewpoints and solve problems.

Persuasion is an important influence skill: Influence and persuasion are so closely linked; to be persuasive means to be able to shape other people's opinions towards one's own views or perspectives. Knowledge is power, in order to be persuasive, you need to have vision, knowledge, insight, and wisdom to make a profound influence. Persuasion is a form of reasoning that some call “planning argument,” a proposal to do, accept, support something by pointing out that doing so will have a consequence and should be accepted, adopted, aimed for.

Problem solving should be the very goal of persuasion: To persuade someone is to point out the mutual benefits that both parties will have if a particular direction is chosen. It implies reciprocity to get more; or the power of touch. Persuasion with good intention should help problem-solving in a harmonized way. The “persuasion” aspect becomes quite legitimate in that people will try to get others to accept a proposal by showing how it will achieve “ought”-consequences the others will also accept once these effects have been pointed out to them.

Persuasion is a leadership quality to sell either vision or new ideas: Leaders today should be informative, persuasive, and empathetic to close communication gaps via their niche talent and skills. Persuasiveness is so interrelated with influence, and influence can be used to define a good leader who has a vision and influence with that vision. It’s a cohesive effort to fulfill the purpose of leadership which is to awaken possibility in people to deliver extraordinary results.

Being persuasive is an important professional quality based on vision to guide, courage to influence, knowledge to understand, confidence to assert, wisdom to negotiate, uniqueness to bridge; be mindful to solve problems in a harmonized way.


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