Tuesday, August 3, 2021


In order to survive and thrive, we must present resilience to fail fast and fail forward.

Resilience is the ability to respond to change, to recover quickly. We all have suffering time; trial and suffering expose one’s character for who you really are. 

Many people say that trial and suffering builds character. It does not build character as much as it exposes one's character for who you are.

Resilience is a property of an elastic component of a person: Resilience indicates the person can undergo high dynamic stress and yet he/she is able to recover smoothly to he/her original situation without much degradation of him/herself. In short, we call this person a tough person in all predicaments. People have different perceptions and personalities; some are more resilient, they face the difficulty, and stand again, with survival's mentality; some are more vulnerable; few might face difficulties, bounce back and transform into a rock solid character.

Resilience is about B.O.U.N.C.E: It’s about regaining one's footing which could be bouncing back, forwards or restructuring your life integrating the change in some way that works. Part of the issue of resiliency is how significant the adverse situation is to the person. It could be a relatively minor event or it could be something that turns their life up-side-down. Those events can fragment their life. The ability to respond to these events are impacted by many things such as how they cope with loss, their history with the loss, their support systems, their ability to "understand" what has happened, their faith, etc.

Resilience enables people to press on and persevere despite difficult circumstances: It's about human or organization being able to maintain its recognizable essential characteristics in the face of "disruption" - that could look like "bouncing back" or it could look like "growing around" obstacles. Nature is resilient, a tree is still recognizably a tree even if it's all crooked to get adequate light or soil and we can be recognizably "us" even if we adapt to a difficult situation.

To survive and thrive, we must present resilience to fail fast and fail forward. It's the ability to respond to change, to recover quickly from setbacks, as well as the capacity to respond to the unexpected, being able to keep working and focusing, to make continuous progress.


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