Thursday, June 30, 2022


The truth is that enterprise is a complex entity that needs to be perceived through a varied lens, and also needs to simplify, highlight and optimize the key processes to reduce waste.

People, process, technology, etc, are all critical success factors of the business. Process thinking is more fundamentally an architecture thinking, holistic, cohesive, and balancing. Today's business process management at the enterprise level is really about getting everyone focused on the customer and the value their process brings to the customer. It's more than tweaking and incremental. 

At the top, people would like to connect the relevant dots, know the benefits from process management in terms of strategic, financials, operational improvement, and alignment to objectives and so on.

Innerconnectivity of process and organizational design: In creating an "outside in '' people-centric business, it is a question of re-engineering people, process, and technology. The most successful transformation involves total business process management, with a substantial review of organization design. It helps establish early buy-in and support through analysis of how the business process "initiative" impacts the people in the organization.

In practice, successful process improvement initiatives should have representation and input from organizational design management. The top management needs to check-up: Where is the dividing line between organizational design and process? Should there be a handoff from process to organizational design and where should that occur? Or should they work together from start to finish, which rarely occurs.

Innerconnectivity of process and strategy: Business process should actually be born out of a strategy. Processes define how basic and routine functions are executed consistently across the organization to implement strategy. For organizations that get stuck at the lower level of business maturity, people in organization follow processes mindlessly, at times just because it becomes a need. Sometimes strategies are more or less taken up like a project, with temporary objectives Clearly, any existing business function that is in conflict with a new approved strategy is an issue, and the processes associated with that function are therefore problematic. How can you develop the best or most appropriate business process if you don't know the strategic business goals at all for solving the business problem?

Therefore, it is important for defining a clear set of objectives, planning, communication and training goes in a proper systems or process implementation, further on, the expected outcome happens over a period of time. a new strategic initiative that involves the development of new business functions will require the definition of processes associated with those business functions. A business process is "smart," encouraging innovation when it accommodates controlled excursions away from what would otherwise be a rigid sequence of steps.

Innerconnectivity between process and capability:
Capabilities are processes and competencies viewed strategically. Capability and process are two viewpoints of an organization. An organization has the capability to deliver outcomes; an organization executes processes to deliver an output. Capabilities are what abilities/competencies an organization has. Processes are how an organization does something. The fundamental difference between Capabilities and Processes is "What vs. How."

The capability view is more abstract, no detail is provided as to the means by which the transformation occurs; the process view is more logical and detailed, the process shows the receiving processes, the distributing processes, and the transforming processes. Both views can logically show inputs and outputs. Continue to capture opportunities for improvement, from the mouths of the people who know the process best.

The truth is that enterprise is a complex entity that needs to be perceived through a varied lens, also needs to simplify, highlight and optimize the key processes to reduce waste. A smart process follows process management principles, encourages innovation. The long term operations, such as processes for customer services, when applied strategically saves much cost, allows you to become more competitive to achieve business goals. The trend to integrate the related functions or at least not think of them as complete silos helps to unify the business process view/capability view/architectural view/case manager view, to improve business agility and innovation.


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